2. Awake

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You were woken up by the steady high pitched sound of a heart monitor and the sudden flashing of fluorescent lights on your face. Your eyes flutter open, cringing as you adjust to the bright light around you. A few seconds later, you make out your surroundings with a look of pure confusion on your face.

Where the hell am I?

Looking around, you recognized the soft white bed you were on as one from a clinic or a hospital, the curtains were opened so anyone walking by could see you, and you realized you were in a small room as if you were in a doctor's office. Except, the room had many advanced tools too specific to be just any doctor's office. Beside you, an IV already drained was connected to you, along with chords connecting to the heart monitor that kept its steady pace as if congratulating you that you were still alive. You looked down and noticed that the clothes you had been wearing before were gone, replaced by a pale blue medical gown. Your knees were wrapped up in bandages, and as you touched your faces you could feel some type of stitches where the cut on your head must have been.

How did I get here? Where are my clothes?

"Oh! You're awake! Welcome back to the land of the living. You were hurt pretty bad, you're lucky Dazai found you when he did." A young woman said cheerfully, walking in to check on your vitals with a calmness in her telling you you were recovering fine. Getting a good look at her, she has short, straight black hair and bangs that perfectly framed her pretty face, a golden butterfly pin decorating one side of her hair. She was wearing a white blouse and a black tie matching her black skirt and heels, making her look casually professional.

Although she seemed like the doctor and like she only had good intentions, you couldn't help but have your guard up, especially when she mentions someone else's name, which you did not at all recognize.

Who is Dazai?

With a sudden jolt of memory, you remember what had happened last night. You were being followed and then attacked...then you used your ability and...killed a man.

You gasped suddenly, realizing that if someone brought you to a hospital it meant they most likely saw you kill the man, which meant you could very well be wanted by the police.

The woman in the room turned to you curiously when you gasped, about to ask if you were ok until you interrupted her and spoke up.

"It was self defence, I didn't mean to hurt him...please don't turn me in. I didn't mean to go that far..." you rushed to explain, but even you could hear the doubt in your voice.

Hadn't I meant to kill him? Didn't I say he deserved it?

Colour drained from your face when you realize it wasn't a mistake he ended up dead. Not really.

Noticing your abrupt panic, the woman walked over to you and tried to smile out of reassurance.

"Dazai didn't tell me any specifics on what had happened, but I promise we are here to help you, Miss..." she pauses, it just hitting her that she didn't know your name.

They didn't say anything? Maybe they didn't see anything after all...

"[l/n]" you tell her. "[f/n] [l/n]"

"Miss [l/n], right...well I'm Dr. Yosano" she nods and introduces herself, leaning in to take off all the chords unnecessarily attached to you now, and turning back around to organize the area a bit.

Still confused, you wait a few minutes before speaking up again.

"Where am I?" You finally ask, not waiting to hear the answer to that before adding, "and who is Dazai?"

Before Yosano could reply, the door to the quiet room opened loudly, a tall, brunette, young man followed by a slightly shorter white-haired one walked in, the shorter one's eyes scanning the room only to land on you and stare, quickly looking away in embarrassment after you meet his gaze sternly.

"Well well well, the pretty lady is awake!" The brunette exclaimed enthusiastically with too much volume, causing Yosano to give him a glare.

"This is Dazai, he's the one that brought you here last night" the doctor explained, pointing towards the brunette, who's face was now clouded with a short-lived disappointment before looking back at you and smiling.

Looking him over, he wore a dark suit-vest over a nice dress shirt, arms and neck bandages as far as you could see, his bands a light colour to match his look. A bolo tie tied up his look, light and warm brown eyes gazing at your with interest. His wavy brown hair flowed almost majestically around his face, one part only a bit misplaced as it fell at the front. You had to admit, he was quite handsome for a creep that - from what you could remember - carried you to some strange building that you started to assume, was not a hospital.

"No need to thank me, it's all in a days work for the armed detective agency, right Atsushi?" Dazai said almost playfully, turning to the white haired young man (which you were now sure was younger than Dazai).

The Armed Detective Agency? I've heard of them...they are filled with gifteds like me...but why was I brought here, unless Dazai did see me use my ability?

Atsushi smiled nervously and nodded, glancing at you quizzically, eyeing your bandages.

"What happened?" Atsushi asked, clear concern flashing in his purple-green eyes.

What an interesting eye-colour...and an odd outfit choice...a white button up shirt, black pants with matching suspender and belt much too long for him...though it does fit him...

Distracted from taking in both people in front of you, Dazai takes the liberty of answering for you,

"She killed a man and then passed out." Dazai said in a "as a matter of fact" tone, amused by Atsushi and Yosano's shocked reactions.


Slight anger boiling up inside you, you shoot Dazai a look of alarm mixed with dismay. He took that completely out of context! Unsure if that was all he knew or if he did it on purpose to watch his friends shift in uncomfortable agitation, you quickly tried to explain.

"It was self-defence, I promise." You swore, hearing Yosano mutter to Dazai that he could have at least warned her before bringing in a murderer.

"Well, it does look that way..." Atsushi hesitantly says, as if trying to convince himself you were telling the truth and were not, infact completely dangerous.

Dazai chuckles in amusement at his friend's distrust in his decision, before shaking his head. "She killed with her ability accidentally. That's why I brought her here. If the Port Mafia finds out about what happened and connect it to her, they will surely take too much interest. She needs our help." The brunette insists.

"Well I do not need your help" you say, now annoyed with Dazai's apparent warmth for manipulating the conversation for his own laughs, you sit up and swing your legs over to the side of the bed before hopping off, wincing as your head starts to pound in pain, you knees weak from the scratches under the bandages.

You feel a hand on your wrist and are surprised to see Atsushi holding you steady with a strong grip.

"Stop. You are going to hurt yourself" he states, a sudden determination and sympathy in his eyes, as if Dazai's claim that you needed help and protection gave him an internal realization.

"And where are you even planning on going without any proper clothes?" Dazai then says with a teasing smirk, causing a light blush to appear on you cheeks, mostly out of embarrassment.

Damn, they are both right.

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