7. Tea On Rice

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You walk into the restaurant that serves your favourite tea on rice, the air warm and welcoming, the kitchen heat hitting your cold body just right. Usually filled with people, the restaurant is close to empty at this hour, and after noticing that, you sigh with relief. The quiet hum comforts you as you are kindly seated at a small table near a corner.

Upon reaching the table, you take your coat off and hang it on your chair neatly, sitting down and resting your head on your hand, your eyes begging you to close them for just a second of rest. With reluctance you comply, only opening them when you hear the waitress asking for your order, to which you reply 'tea on rice please'. You even your breathing as you revel in the calmness of the atmosphere, pretending for a moment that you are not a part of the Port Mafia, but just the average person after a long, hard day at work.


You jump, eyes shooting open, your heart skipping a beat. You turn your head to see purple-yellow eyes staring back at you, and behind him the tall brunette that had claimed not so long ago he wanted to help you.

When did they get here?


You say their names without knowing what else to do. The way you left the agency that day...well you had to admit, you let your emotions get the best of you, and it probably hadn't left the best impression. Considering that since they are from the Armed Detective Agency and you were Port Mafia, it was probably unwise for you to talk to them at all incase you were caught, but you let that possibility go, deciding that it was highly unlikely. Plus, you didn't think they knew about your situation yet anyways.

Atsushi looks like he's about to say something when Dazai interrupts his train of thought and points at your shoulder.

"You're bleeding" he says, no suspicion or urgency in his voice. Just a plane statement.

A bit surprised by what he said, you look down to where Dazai was pointing.

"Oh, yeah I guess I am" you say, seeing that you had bled through your shirt. Not really caring for the clothes, as you had many of the same pair in your room anyways, you scold yourself mentally for your bad patch up job on the wound Akutagawa had given you earlier. The fight with the man when he pulled you to the floor had probably re-opened the wound, and you hadn't even felt it.

A few silent seconds go by and you are saved by the waitress bringing you your tea on rice, your mouth practically watering at the smell of fresh food. You start to eat, glancing up only when Dazai requests to be seated at your table.

The duo sit with you, Dazai and Atsushi both sitting across from you.

"What happened to your..arm?" Atsushi asks with a tone of caution. When he pauses before saying your arm specifically, you know that he wants to ask about the cut on your face as well as the fresh bruises on you. You aren't sure why he doesn't.

You set down the chopsticks and look at Atsushi, struggling to find a way to explain it with mentioning the Port Mafia.

"I had an accident while exercising" You lie.

"O-oh...must have been some exercise then" Atsushi says with nervous laughter, glancing at Dazai, then back to you.

"I was so sure you'd come back to the agency after you left. Did I offend you that day, [f/n]?" Dazai asks, an odd sadness hung to his words.

No, you could read me so well it scared me. I wasn't able to face the truths you gave me.

"No." Is all you say, continuing to eat your tea on rice before it gets cold.

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