3. The Agency

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After the visit from Dazai and Atsushi, both not asking for more information as to what exactly had happened to you that night (which you were thankful for), Dr. Yosano re-applied the bandages and provided you with clothes, telling you that other than symptoms of a minor concussion, you were fine, but could stay  in the clinic room and rest however much you needed. She did try to ask for more information, telling you that from one woman to another you didn't have to be afraid of giving her the full story, but you refused, thanking her quietly and waiting for her to leave before taking a good look at the clothes and changing.

Your outfit was quite simple, consisting of a loose white button up T-shirt and soft black pants, fresh socks provided and your shoes from the previous night left next to the bed for you. Looking at yourself in a mirror Yosano left for you, it was clear that the clothes did not belong to you, but nevertheless, you looked as good as you could given the situation. Your [h/c] hair had been brushed neatly, and if you concentrated enough you could imagine it was just a normal morning without bruises everywhere.

When you were done fixing yourself up, you sat in bed a while longer, drifting in and out of sleep before your curiosity got the best of you and you decided to try getting up again, this time succeeding without causing a huge headache. Slowly but surely you walked over to the door and opened it, only to see a long hallway leading to other rooms ahead. It was all pretty quiet, almost peaceful.

Maybe I can just leave...Yosano said I was fine after all, and if I wasn't reported, I should be fine to go home...Dazai was probably exaggerating his points right?

A bit of guilt hit you after remembering Atsushi's concerned face. You didn't want to bother anyone one, and you didn't want to discuss your ability either, but they had shown much kindness for helping you. The last thing you wanted was to come off as rude. You stood there at the door for a few minutes before ultimately deciding you weren't safe around people too curious to know about you.

If they knew it wasn't a mistake...

"[f/n]! What are you doing out here?" A familiar voice calls out to you just as you were about to escape.


You turn around to meet his bright eyes with as much sweetness as you could muster after being caught.

"I was...just trying to find my way around..." you lie horribly, but luckily Atsushi doesn't seem to catch on.

"Dazai sent me to check on you. He said he had a feeling you'd be up by now...guess he was right!" He explains, obviously glad that he didn't end up bothering you while you weren't ready.

At the sound of Dazai's name, your cheeks heat up slightly. You couldn't explain why, but something about him frustrated you...except he made frustrating look good. You recalled his ease in playing around with words and made a face of distaste, which Atsushi happened to catch.

"O-oh, don't worry about Dazai, [f/n], Miss Yosano already have him a scolding for the way he spoke in front of you. But, uh- I promise you he's not always like that. I think he just wanted to impress another pretty girl with his-" Atsushi nervously attempted to explain, cheeks colouring up in a light pink when he stoped abruptly, realizing what he was implying.

"Not that Dazai thinks of you as just some other pretty girl-i mean, he probably does thinks you look nice, because you do of course! B-but he did bring you here last night and Miss Yosano had said he seemed genuinely concerned...I think he sees something in you. Considering he didn't mention that you killed someone until we were already helping you..." Atsushi desperately tries to better his word choice while defending Dazai, eventually giving up and just sighing loudly, glancing between you and the wall.

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