Studying and Sharing Chocolate (Young Remus Lupin)

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For my first one shot I will be doing young Remus. Also, my inspiration for this book and layout is everlovingdeer . She has written her own One Shot book and it is utterly brilliant so I suggest that you read it. Don't forget you guys can request if you want me to do a certain character or scenario. Hope you enjoy and have a nice day.

I sat in front of the roaring fireplace in the Gryffindor Common Room, hunched over a Potions essay. I know that I shouldn't have left it until the night before but due to my atrociously bad general potion skills, I just didn't want to do it. This always lead me to do it the night before, no matter how many times my best friend, Lily Evans, told me to do it the day it was set. And this is what I was doing the first time I saw him hobble in through the portrait a little after 4am.

Remus Lupin looked awful.

I wasn't going to lie. He did. His scar-ridden but usually bright complexion was sickly pale. His brown eyes lacked their usual sparkle and his hair seemed to have a couple more grey specks. I was certainly surprised to see him up at this hour which lead to me calling him over.

"Remus?" I called out quietly.

The boy jumped not expecting to hear my voice. "Myers! What are you doing up?" He asked making his way over to me.

"I could ask you the same question." I quipped back raising an eyebrow.

Remus smiled and sat down. "I asked you first."

I rolled my eyes and indicated at the parchment. "Finishing Slughorn's potions essay." I stated.

"The one on the effects of Fluxweed in Polyjuice?" Remus asked with me nodding in response.

"Here. I'll help you. I've finished it." Remus said pulling over my essay to read over it.

As I watched him read over and correct my essay, I realised something. "You never told me why you were up this late, let lone after curfew. And don't tell me it was prefects rounds because those finished at 10." I explained.

Remus sighed, put down the quill and looked at me. "I was in the Hospital Wing. I haven't been feeling too great." He said to which I nodded, that did make sense considering his appearance. As he went back to correcting my essay, I dug around in my bag and pulled something out. I opened it up and offered it to him.

"Want some? Honeyduke's finest." I said to which he smiled gratefully and took a large chunk.

"Thank you." He said politely. I laid it out on the table between us and leaned towards him so that I could see what he was explaining.


Remus continued to help me with Potions, not just at ridiculous times at night or in the morning when I had essays due but during the day also. After every Potions lesson, myself and Remus would head to the library where he would help to understand the content we went through in lesson while we shared a bar of chocolate. It had become a ritual for us, however, our friends seemed to misinterpret what we were doing.

"Lily, watch out, Potter and Black are coming over." Marlene said as a group of us girls sat in the corner of the Common Room one evening. We all looked up at the two boys as they approached.

"What do you want, Potter? I already told you no earlier." Lily asked once James and Sirius stood by our group.

"I know, Evans, and I'm actually here to ask if we can borrow Myers for a moment." James said causing my eyebrows to fly up in surprise.

"What? Why do you want to talk to me, I've never spoken to you before, Potter. Or you, Black, for that matter." I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

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