Life After (Harry Potter)

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Well done to those of you that guessed! This one is about Harry Potter. I'm continuing a previous one shot (Having a Ball) but set later so I hope you enjoy it, my darlings! Thank you for being patient with me!

It had been a little over a year since Harry had defeated Voldemort with the help of myself, Hermione and Ron. Hermione, of course, opted to go back to Hogwarts to complete her education and is now helping to amend House Elf Rights and Ron is helping George out at the shop. Harry and I, however, are climbing up the Auror ranks. Kingsley offered us jobs as soon as everything had been sorted out and we took them, we were good at our jobs and being War Heroes had it perks. Although, it also had some downfalls.

One of those downfalls was McClaggen.

"Hey, Black!" He called out jogging after me through the ministry atrium.

"Can I help you McClaggen?" I asked impatiently, tying my curly brown hair into a bun on top of my head.

"Yeah, considering I'm incredibly good looking and amazing at my job over in Magical Games and Sports and you're-" He said

Please don't ask me out again. Please don't ask me out again.

"Would you like to go on a date with me on Friday night?" He finished pulling me out of my thoughts, which appeared to have done nothing.

"No can do, McClaggen," A voice said throwing his arm around my shoulders. "She's busy."

I raised my eyebrow at Harry who kept on smiling at Cormac until he left, cheerily yelling a goodbye as he left. "You, Harry Potter, are something else."

"Why, thank you, Y/N Black." He said with a grin as we made our way to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

"I also, don't remember being informed of this date, as last time I checked, us dating didn't work out." I reminded Harry.

"Well, it didn't work out because I had a psychotic megalomaniac trying to kill me, I believe," Harry corrected with a grin which I rolled ny eyes at.

After the Yule Ball, Harry and I had dated for about a year before we called it quits, we were still friends and I helped with the Horcrux hunt but there was definitely some underlying chemistry between us, which we sorted out by incessantly flirting with each other.

Our flirting continued until we reached the Head Auror's office, when we composed ourselves and walked in to see not only Head Auror Travers but also Minister Shacklebolt.

"Ahh, Potter, Black, you got my message then?" Travers asked to which we nodded. "Myself and the minister would like the two of you to go on a mission to Germany, where we believe the last of the Death Eaters to be hiding out. Your job is to apprehend them and bring them back."

"How many?" I asked.

"6." Kingsley replied. "The Portkey will take you to the village, you only need your wands, so it leaves in 5 minutes. Good Luck, you two." He said before leaving.

"Potter, Black. You two are my best Aurors, please come back relatively unharmed." Travers said from his desk. Harry and I nodded before leaving the office.


It was a tiny village, probably only had 50 people in it, I almost felt bad for removing 12% of its population, but these people had to be put in Azkaban.

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