Childhood Friends (Lily Evans)

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This one shot is dedicated to TheLostStory99 for always voting on most my chapters (more often the first one, too)! Thank you so much! It means a lot to me to see that you and others enjoy what I'm writing. And well done to those who guessed, this one shot is about Lily Evans. Enjoy!


The bell went for the end of the day snd I packed up my bag. I made my way to my locker and switched out my Maths and History books for the ones I needed to take home for homework. I wrapped my scarf around my neck and put my coat on before throwing my back over my shoulder and closing my locker.

I made my way out of school and towards my house, my dyed blue hair flying freely in the winter wind. I pulled my coat and scarf tighter around me and the bitter wind, but luckily, my walk home was a short one and I was soon turning into the path towards my house.

I called out a hello as I entered the house, hanging up my coat and scarf and putting my shoes away before grabbing my bag and heading upstairs to my bedroom. I got my PE homework out ready on my desk and headed over to the other side of my bedroom, once I had shut my door, to choose what I wanted to play on my record player while I worked. As I did so, I looked up through my window at the window next door. The window next door belonged to the bedroom of my best friend Lily Evans, she was away a boarding school, so there was never anyone at the window. So, I looked up as usual, knowing that there was going to be no one there.

Lily waved at me.

Excitement filled my body and I threw open my bedroom door and bolted down the stairs, yelling to my mum that I was going to the Evans' and ran out the door. I no longer cared about the cold as I skidded to stop outside their gate, hopping over it rather than opening it and tackling the auburn haired girl in a hug, who was waiting for me by her open front door.

"I've missed you." We both said at the same time, before bursting into laughter.

Lily grabbed my hand and pulled me inside, the two of us disappearing up to her bedroom, after saying a quick hello to her parents. I jumped onto her bed and laid down.

"So, how was Scotland?" I asked as Lily laid down next to me, resting her head on her hands.

"It's alright. James was still constantly asking me out." She said with a sigh.

"It's been 4 and a bit years! Why won't he take a hint?" I asked. "I mean, Callum Holloway stopped after I punched him in the face. Maybe you should try doing that?" I suggested.

Lily paused. "I have. Still hasn't deterred him."

"Boys." I muttered.

"Tell me about it," Lily said as I began stroking her hair. "How's school for you?"

"Well, got O Level exams this year. Maths, Physics, Geography, I'm screwed for. History, English, Chemistry, Biology, PE and Sociology, I should be alright for." I explained to her.

"I miss being back here when I'm at school. I miss mum and dad, I miss our friend but most importantly, I miss you." Lily said pecking my lips.

I smiled. "I've missed you too, Lils. More than anything." I said kissing her lips softly. "Although, I have a question."

"What's that?"

"How do I get those bloody birds to stop pecking me!" I said holding up my hand. The two of us laughed and chatted, but little did we know that we had been watched that entire time.

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