Having a Ball (Harry Potter)

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Hello my darlings! As you could tell by the emoji hints left on the last one shot, this one is about Harry Potter himself. I hope you enjoy it, my darlings!

All anyone could talk about was the upcoming Yule Ball. It was announced yesterday and I thought, the hubbub among the student body about the Triwizard Tournament was bad, but this was a whole new level. I was rather quiet for a Gryffindor, stuck to myself a fair amount, it wasn't because I didn't have any friends but more, because I was a, the daughter of notorious mass murderer Sirius Black and b, because I didn't find any friendships with anyone in my year. Well, there is one.

Harry Potter.

I share quiet a few classes with Harry and because of that we struck up a conversation here and there and we got on well. He did judge me for who my father is and I didn't see him for his scar. If it wasn't for the fact that I would be accused of trying to muscle my way in to the Golden Trio, I would have definitely pursued a friendship with the raven haired boy. I didn't mind the idea that I would be going to the ball alone, I'd already made plans to only show up for an hour at most, but I would be lying that I wished I'd put myself out there more and made more friends so that someone would ask me to the ball.


I turned around to face whoever called me name and smiled.

"Harry! Are you alright?"

I took his is red face and deep breaths and led him to sit down in one of the windowed alcoves to catch his breath.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just ran up two floors."

"Was that for leisure or?"

Harry laughed. "No. I was catching up to you."

"Oh. Why? Do you need help with homework or something?"

"Umm, do you have a date to the ball?"

"The Yule Ball. No. Any other balls that have suddenly been sprung upon us that I'm not aware of but you are. No, as well."

Harry let out a small laugh. "Well then, I'll have to correct that. Would you like to go to the Yule Ball with me?"

I was slightly taken aback. "You want to go with me? I thought you'd rather ask Cho or someone?"

Harry once again let out a short, musical laugh. "Why would I ask Cho?"

"I overheard Ron saying that you liked her." I told him.

"No, Ron likes her but thinks that if she thinks that I like her she'll hang around more."

"That's either brilliant or the most idiotic thing I've heard." I said with a laugh.

"Probably the latter," Harry admitted. "So, will you?"

"Will I what?"

"Go to the ball with me?"

"Oh, yeah, that! Of course, I would! Thank you for asking me Harry."

"You're welcome, Y/N and besides, I wanted to go with you. You going back to the Common Room?" He asked.

I nodded. Harry got up and smiled. "Let's go then."

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