A Father's Love (James Sirius Potter)

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This was requested by canada76 I hope you like it! Thank you for being a wonderful reader! Well done for those who guessed the next one shot will be on Sirius Black but for now, please enjoy James Sirius Potter!

I took a deep breathe and smoothed out my dress. I double checked my appearance in the mirror before walking out of my bedroom door.

"Do you have to dress up, sweetheart?" My dad asked in his strong Scottish accent.

"She can if she wants to, Ollie." My mum told my dad as she finished laying the table, shooting me a wink as she did, leading to a huge grin gracing ny face.

"Thanks mum." I said, before running into the lounge when I heard the Floo activate.

"James!" I yelled excitedly and hugged by boyfriend fiercely as he stepped out of the fireplace. I stepped back with a smile to great James' family.

"Mr Potter. Mrs Potter, it's wonderful to see you both again." I said elegantly with a smile.

"Please Y/N, the okeasure is all ours and please call us Harry and Ginny." Ginny said with a smile to which I nodded at.

"Hi Albus." I told the young boy who hid away behind his mother.

"Y/N! Up!" I looked down and picked up a young Lily Potter.

"And how are you, Lily?" I asked the small redhead.

"Goooood! I made you something!" She said before proudly showing me a scribble on a page.

"It's beautiful, Lily." I told the young girl with a smile. "Dad's in the kitchen," I told Harry and Ginny quickly, remembering they were still here. I heard the two sets of parents greet each other and I put Lily down who ran to find her parents.

"So, what was the inspiration for this look?" James asked with a smile from the sofa. I placed my hands on my hips and raised my eyebrow.

"Really, James? Red and Gold? They're our house colours! How could you not get that!" I said jokingly, to which he stuck his tongue out. I sat down next to him and went to open my mouth when my dad stuck his head round the door.

"Dinner's ready."

I nodded. "Thanks, dad." I turned back to James. "Let's go." We both got up and I dragged my dad back to the dining room as I walked past him.


To say that dinner was an awkward affair would be a massive understatement. Annoyingly, it started off so well. Mum and Ginny spoke lightly about Ministry affairs while Dad and Harry spoke about...Quidditch.

"So, still playing for Puddlemere then, Wood?" Harry asked.

"Please, Potter. You know I'm the manager of the team now." Dad replied to which Harry laughed.

"Oh, I know. My wife has to write about you a lot and my eldest boy loves your team." Harry replied.

"Does he now?" Dad asked before barking at James. "James! Your dad says you're a Puddlemere fan! I have a teat for you." He said with a smirk.

"Daaaad!" I began.

"Oliver!" My mum said sharply.

"No, no! If you pass this test, Potter, I'll let you marry my daughter one day and if you don't, she's only ever going to be your friend." Dad said sternly to which James nodded.

"Alright then, sir." James said.

"OK. What are their colours?" Dad asked.

"Blue and Gold."


"Blue background, two crossed, gold bulrushes."




"Beat back those Bludgers, boys, and chuck that Quaffle here."

This continued for half an hour until finally.

"Name the chaser that disappeared halfway through the 1999 match against the HolyHead Harpies."

"Wilda Griffiths."

"Godric. So, who-" Dad began.

"Oliver!" My mum snapped. "We are here for dinner not to quiz our daughter's boyfriend. He answered your stupid quiz, now shut up about Quidditch or so help me Godric, you will be sleeping on that sofa until Y/N graduates!"

My dad stayed quiet for the rest of dinner.

6 YEARS LATER (July 2025)

"I don't like this," Dad said as he held out his arm for me to take. "Still think you're too good for him."

"Dad! You think everyone isn't good enough for me!" I said playfully.

"Yes, and now I'm giving you away to James Potter of all people!" He said, his arm tensing as the music began.

"Hey! You're friends with his parents!" I reminded him as we began to walk down the aisle.

"Yes, his parents and siblings I like, it's that boy who's the problem." He whispered.

"Why is he a problem?"

"Because he's taking my baby girl away from me."

There we go! Oliver Wood's daughter ladies and gentleman! I hope you liked it! The next one shot will be based upon the emoji's from Fred's so expect a Sirius one shot shortly. If you have a certain character or scenario that you would like me to do, please don't hesitate to ask. Once again, thank you for reading, nearly 1,000 reads! It's unbelievable! Thank you all so much!

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