Things Aren't Always What They Seem (Albus Potter)

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Hello my darlings, thank you all for being so patient between updates! University has been rather busy so thank you for being patient and kind! The next five are requests so thank you to those who requested for being patient. This one-shot was requested by @Tasty_Toast and is about Albus Potter so well done to those who guessed! Without further ado, here is the one-shot!


I sighed as I looked through my History of Magic textbook, it really was a dull subject. I looked through the pile of stationary and books around me before realising that I had missed a book, so I got up from my space and began to look through the shelves in the library.

I quickly navigated my way through the vast shelved and array of books before finding the one I needed. I reached up to grab it, but someone else had the same idea. I pulled my hand a way a faint redness gracing my face, keeping my eyes glued on the floor. My father always said that the easiest way for people to know your secrets was to look in your eyes.

"Did you want it?" The person asked.

I shook my head. "No thank you."

"You sure? Cause that History of Magic assignment Binns set us is quite hard to to without it." My eyes rose from the floor to meet his bright green eyes.

"You can use it first." I insisted with a small smile.

"Here's a crazy idea," Albus started with a smile. "Why don't we work on it together?"

"Alright then, Potter, let's do it."

"Led the way, Greenaway."


"Greenaway," Albus whispered twenty minutes into  our History of Magic class. Albus had taken to sitting next to me in this class since our study session three weeks earlier. "Do you understand what he's going on about?"

"No." I replied, adjusting my sapphire robes, pulling them tighter into an attempt to keep the bitter cold of the classroom seeping into my clothes.

Albus gave a short, violent shiver before leaning towards me and I tried my best to not flinch. "You know just cause he's dead doesn't mean that he should allow us to freeze to death."

Me and Albus managed to keep a straight face until we made eye contact, after that we had a slight coughing fit in order to refrain from laughing.


Christmas rolled around and I found myself in a compartment with Rose Granger-Weasley, Scorpious Malfoy and Albus Potter. This may be my fourth year at Hogwarts but this was my first year with friends. It was hard for me to trust, so I kept my distance but with Albus it was different. He was easy to trust.

The train pulled to a stop and I clambered down from the train. I quickly spotted my parents in the crowd, but before I could head towards them, someone grabbed my wrist.

"Hey, it's just me." Albus said with a slightly worried expression as he let go of my wrist.

"Yeah, sorry, you just scared me that's all." I said with a small smile.

Albus nodded. "Well, have a good Christmas, Greenaway, oh, and if it's alright with your parents your invited to stay as long as you want at any point in the holiday. Here's my address." Albus handed me a tiny note which I took, glancing at it before gently balling it up in my fist.

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