Dare (Marlene McKinnon)

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Well done to those of you that managed to figure out that this one shot is about Marlene McKinnon! I hope you enjoy this one, my darlings!

I held the red jumper aloft as I walked into the Hufflepuff Common Room that evening. "Got it!" I announced to my group of friends who looked gobsmacked.

"OK, I'll admit it, I didn't think you'd actually be able to get it, McLarnon," Jessie Jones, my best friend said with a grin, "But you have proved us wrong yet again."

"Well, Jones," I said sitting down on the sofa with ny friends. "I take my dares very seriously."

"Almost as seriously as McKinnon takes Quidditch and that jumper, she's gonna flip when she sees you," Evan Pritchard said with a grin.

"That's the point, Ev," I said with a smirk before standing up. "Now, I have a busy day tomorrow, so I'm going to go and get some beauty sleep if you don't mind." And with that, I turned on my heels and headed for bed.


Us 7th year Hufflepuffs sniggered as Marlene McKinnon made her way over to the Marauders, loudly accusing them of stealing her Quidditch Jumper which I was wearing rather brazenly over at the Hufflepuff table.

"Potter, Black, which ever one of you took my jumper, give it back! Now!" Marlene was heard saying from the Gryffindor table. The two boys obviously said something about them not having it which Marlene didn't believe but Black scanned the room and when his eyes landed on me, I winked and soon enough, I had Marlene McKinnon in my eyesight.

"McLarnon, what are you doing?" Marlene asked, her hands on her hips, some of her curly blonde hair escaping from its ponytail.

"Eating breakfast?" I asked, she groaned and rubbed her temples.

"My jumper. What are you doing wearing my jumper?"

"I felt like it."

"You felt like it?"


"Well, can I have it back then?"




"Why not? It's mine."

"Not until the end of the day it's not."

"What! Why then?"

"Cause that's the dare McKinnon, now if you'll excuse me, I have a Potions lesson to get to." I got up and walked out of the Great Hall, pausing only to wink at the blonde Gryffindor before passing through the doors.


I really should have expected that Marlene wouldn't let me get away with it, which is why I wasn't surprised in the slightest to see her waiting outside the Charms classroom when the bell rang to signal the end of the last lesson of the day but I wasn't going to let her win.

So, I walked past her.

"McLarnon!" I heard her yell as she ran to keep up with me.

"Yes, McKinnon?" I yelled back.

"Can I have my jumper back now?" She asked walking next to me.


"What? Why not, it's the end of the day!" She said stopping in the middle of the corridor.

"No it's not, its 4:30 in the afternoon, Marlene. There's 5 and a half hours left in the day." I reminded her with a grin.

"Fine. Astronomy Tower. Midnight. Bring my jumper." The blonde said before walking off. I grinned and headed towards the Hufflepuff Common Room.


At 5 minutes to midnight, I was climbing up the steps to the Astronomy Tower. I smiled a a fresh breeze hit my face as I leant against the railing that went around the Astronomy tower.

"Can I have it back now?"

I turned at the voice and gave an overdramatic sigh before pulling the red jumper over my head and handing it to her. "There you go."

She walked forward and grabbed it out of my hands. "Why me?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Why my jumper to steal?"

"Oh, there's no reason really," I said quickly. Marlene raised an eyebrow. "It's nothing."

"Spit it out, McLarnon." Marlene said, her arms folded across her chest.

"OK! I have a slight thing for you and my friends didn't thing I had the guts to take anything of yours!" I said my arms raised in a surrender like position.

"Slight?" Marlene asked a ghost of a smirk on her face.

"Ok, a huge thing." I muttered becoming suddenly very interested in my shoes. Soon, I was looking into Marlene's brown eyes as she'd raised my chin so that I was looking at her.

"I dare you to kiss me."

"Now, McKinnon, I take my dares very seriously."

"I know."

"Alright then," I said smirking as I leaned in and kissed her.


The next day my mouth fell open as Marlene walked into the Great Hall wearing my Quidditch Jersey, before my mouth morphed into a proud smirk.

"Touché, McKinnon. Touché."

3 YEARS LATER (July 1981)

"I just want to say how happy we are to bring you into the family," Marlene's dad Jonathan said as the whole McKinnon clan sat around the dinner table. "We couldn't pick someone better for our daughter to marry. So, lets raise our glass to the happy couple!"

"To the happy couple!" Echoed around the table as we all took a sip and began to tuck in, but the happiness didn't last long.

Edward McKinnon, Marlene's younger brother ran in. "They're here! The Death Eaters! They're here!"

"How many?" I asked my Auror training kicking in.

"16?" Edward guessed.

"Quickly! Everyone go to an entrance, if we split them up it should be easier to handle." I directed sending everyone to various places in the house.

"I've alerted the Order," Marlene said joining me as we stood near the front of our house.

I nodded as I heard battles beginning and crys of anguish echoing throughout the house. "I love you."

Marlene grabbed my hand. "I love you too." And then her hand went slack in my grip and she fell to the ground. I turned around to dee a beam of green light heading in my direction.


Alice and Frank Longbottom, along with Mad-Eye Moody arrived less than 10 minutes later at the McKinnon residence.

He sent Frank and Alice around to the side and back entrances of the house as he took the front. Listening to the information he heard yelled out to him from two of his top Aurors as well as the scene in front of him, Alastor sent a patronus to Dumbledore.

"All of the McKinnons along with McLarnon are dead. He wiped them all out."

He instructed Frank and Alice to head back to the Order Headquarters and with one last look at the dead bodies of Marlene McKinnon and Y/N McLarnon, he disapparated.

I hope you all enjoyed this one, my darlings, I'm sorry about the sadder epilogue for this one but I wanted to stick to canon. Now, without further ado, here are your emoji hints for the next one shot:


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