Jealousy's a Killer (Hermione Granger)

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Hey everyone! Well done to those that guessed correctly! This one shot is about Hermione Granger! Please enjoy! :)

I ducked as spells flew over my head. Rowena, they should have prepared us for this! I threw a spell behind me and allowed myself a small smile as I heard some grunt as it hit them. I made my into the entrance hall, taking out a few death eaters and acromanculas along the way. I then headed up the steps towards the first floor corridor.


"STUPEFY! Ginny!" I yelled getting the redhead's attention as I stunned the Death Eater she was duelling. She turned around.

"Green!" She said in surprise.

"Herm-" I began but Ginny cut me off, knowing what I wanted.

"Room of Requirement." She told me. I yelled my thanks as I ran towards the seventh floor.


"Harry!" I said as I met the black haired boy on the fifth floor. The boy looked at me and seemed to almost take a breather in relief, but before I could ask him where my girlfriend was, three Death Eaters appeared. Together, me and Harry made quick work of them.

"Chamber of Secrets." Harry told me once we had finished them.

I groaned and headed to the second floor. "Thanks, Harry! Good Luck!" I called out after me.

"You too!" I heard before I turned the corner.


I crept into the second floor bathroom and waited for Hermione to emerge. I heard the heavy scraping as the Chamber opened.

"I'm just saying, Hermione-" Ron began.

"And I'm saying that I love my girlfriend and will NEVER leave her for you, no matter how many times you kiss me and trust me when I say that that will be the only time!" Hermione snarled at her best friend.

"Mione-" I began causing my girlfriend to whirl around. She didn't say anything but she just attacked me in a fierce hug.

"Godric, I've missed you." She murmured into ny hair. I breathed in her vanilla scent and smiled.

"I've missed you too, you don't know how many times I asked Rowena to bring you back to me." I said with a smile, looking at her. I was concerned at how thin and haunted she looked but she was still my Hermione and she was still here. Hermione pulled me into a soft yet simple kiss and everything seemed to melt away-

Ron cleared his throat.

"We need to go." He said and we nodded, Hermione was in front of me and Ron was behind me. It was at this point that I noticed the Basilisk fangs they were carrying because I could see them poking out of Hermione's pockets and because one had pierced through my sapphire uniform into my side. Hermione rounded the corner and I gasped as Ron pulled the fang out and whispered in my ear.

"You stole her from me and now without you, she will be mine."

I collapsed onto the floor and the last thing I saw as my vision faded to black was Ron running away from me after Hermione.


I woke up, groggily taking in my surroundings, vaguely registering the hand that was holding my own. My fingers fluttered lightly against the hand.


I turned my head to the right.

"Mione." I smiled. "What happened? Where am I? The last thing I remember is Ron-"

"He's in Azkaban, for a few years at least." Hermione said softly. "You're in St. Mungo's. He tried to kill you. He stabbed you with a basilisk fang. I could have lost you..." She trailed off with tears in her eyes.

"But you haven't." I reminded her. She gave me a watery smile.

"No, I haven't and I love you so much." Hermione said.

"I love you too." I told her. "Now, tell me everything I've missed." She did. She came in everyday and told me everything and I loved every moment.

8 YEARS LATER (October 2006)

"Do you think we'll get her?" Hermione asked me while chewing her lip as we sat on the sofa in front of the fire, reading.

"Yes. We passed all the checks. We've done all the necessary paperwork and as an added bonus, you're a war heroine. We'll get her, Mione, and our family will begin." I told my wife earnestly.

"But she's five minutes late." Hermione said. I glanced at the clock. She was right.

"I'm sure it's just a hold up." I told her.

There was a knock at the door.

We both sat up quickly. We scrambled to untangle ourselves from each other and ran towards the door, throwing it open.

"Mrs and Mrs. Granger. Sorry, I'm late, there was a hold up at the wizarding orphanage. Here is your daughter." The orphanage representative said handing me the small bundle.

I peered down at the sleeping babe. She was perfect. We would have to wait until she woke up to see what her eye colour was and she would need to grow a bit before we discovered her hair colour, but she was ours and she was perfect.

"Thank you." Hermione mumbled as she shut the door, her eyes fixed on our daughter.

"Welcome home, Rose Evangeline Granger."

That's Hermione everyone! I hope you liked it! Please feel free to vote and comment it means a lot! Now onto the emoji hints for the next ones shot. This one is a little harder, but here we go:


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