Everyone Loves Food (Ron Weasley)

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Just because I think she's awesome and that she's always the first person to vote on my chapters, this one is dedicated to TheLostStory99! Also, I'm trying to update this regularly but I've been a busy with school but I'm going to aim to try and post every Friday or when I finish writing the one shot. Well done to those that guessed, this one shot is about Ron Weasley! I hope you all enjoy my darlings!

I grinned at the sheer amount of food in front of me as myself, Hannah and Susan walked into the Hufflepuff Common Room, we had just one our Quidditch Match against Gryffindor and we were going to have one heck of a party. Being a Chaser on the team meant that I was quickly grabbed by the rest of my team to have a few celebratory drinks.

To say that Hufflepuff House a bit tipsy was an understatement, but what I saw horrified me more than drunk badgers: we had run out of food! This was something I knew had to be remedied immediately, so I crept out of the common room and made my way to the kitchens. I tickled the pear and walked in.

"Hello, Tibts. How are you?" I asked the elf kindly.

"Tibts is good. Thank you, Misses Woodman." I smiled at the small elf.

"It appears we've run out of food, I was wondering if you could make a little bit more for us, if it isn't too much hassel for you?" I asked the elf, sitting down at one of the tables in the kitchen.

"Not at all, Misses Woodman. Tibts and other elfs have made Mister Weasley food too! Elfs will happily make food for Misses Woodman." I smiled at Tibts as he and some other elves began to make some food for me to take back to the Common Room.

"Still celebrating your win, huh?" A voice asked from behind me.

I jumped and with my hand on my chest, I turned to face the person who had just taken 5 years off my life.

"Yes, we are Weasley. And it would do you some good to not frighten a woman half to death." I said lightly scolding him.

"Sorry, Woodman. Didn't mean to." Ron said sheepishly, his ears going red.

"It's alright, but how do you know my name?" I asked.

"Please! Who doesn't? You're the best Chaser in this school." Ron said before clearing his throat. "How did you know my name? It's because of Harry isn't it?"

I shook my head before standing up. "No. It's because you're the only person at this school that enjoys food as much as I do." I grabbed the platters that Tibts gave me and headed for the door.

"Goodnight, Weasley."

"Goodnight, Woodman."


I didn't get another chance to speak to Ron until two weeks later. Yes, we had acknowledged each other in passing but we hadn't been able to have a proper conversation so on a Tuesday morning, I was looking for some bagels before realising that we didn't have any.

"Hey Danvers!" I called across to my Hufflepuff year mate who sat at the Gryffindor table with her boyfriend. "You got bagels over there?"

She looked around before Harry pointed them out to her. She grabbed one and wound her arm back to throw one to me before, Harry out his hand on her arm and she rolled her eyes before gesturing me to come over.

I clambered over the Hufflepuff table, ignoring Professor McGonagall docking points for my inappropriate behaviour and sat down opposite her and took the bagel.

"Cheers," I replied before putting honey mustard, smoked salmon and scrambled eggs in and taking a bite. "Hwgha, dahds ood." I said not realising everyone was staring at me.

"Guys, meet Woodman, Hufflepuff Chaser, my best friend and the female equivalent of Ronald." Danvers said raising an eyebrow.

"You're just jealous that me and Ron appreciate good food, Danvers." I said flicking some scrambled egg at her.

"Exactly! I don't see any of your guys on friendly terms with the House Elves." Ron chipped in.

I leant over and whispered to him. "You do know that all of Hufflepuff is on friendly terms with the elves right."

"Shut up, you're disproving our argument." Ron whispered back. We both straightened up and instead of arguing we both went back to our food.


I ended up spending most mealtimes with the small group of Gryffindors although, myself and Danvers had managed to expand the group by including Hannah and Susan. We were all falling into a good routine of talking and laughing and more importantly eating and today's topic of conversation for the meal was the upcoming Hogsmeade trip.

"So we're all agreed then, mill around the shops first, then go to the Three Broomsticks before having a last look around the shops and heading back up to the castle?" Hermione asked looking around at everyone who nodded.

"Actually, me and Woodman will be doing our own thing since we're going together." Ron said. I furrowed my brow in confusion.

"We are? Since when?"

"Have I not asked you?"


"I knew I forgot something!"

Everyone started laughing and Ron's ears turned the same shade of red as his hair.

"But Ron's right, you guys have fun. We're going to do our own thing." I said grabbing his hands which caused his face to go the same shade of red as his hair and ears, causing more laughter among our group.

12 YEARS LATER (November 2006)

I was getting really worried now. I was definitely going off my food. I never go off my food. Ever. I paced our bathroom, wringing my hands when Ron walked in.

"Come on, we're going to St. Mungo's. It'll put your worries aside." Ron said tucking some of my hair back behind my ear lovingly. I pressed a small kiss to his lips and nodded.

"Let's go."

Myself and Ron married two years after the war ended and have happily been living in marital bliss since. Everyone was all coupled up. Harry and Danvers had been married a few months after the war had ended and now and their one year old son. Hermione had married George Weasley, both of them growing close after their joint loss of Fred and we're expecting their first child. Ginny had recently married Colon Creevey and Susan had married Katie Bell and Hannah had married Neville Longbottom. Everyone was happy apart from me because I no longer loved food.

Having had a few test done myself and Ron sat in St. Mungos waiting for the Healer to return.

"But what if my appetite never come back?" I asked Ron worriedly. "I need all the nutrients I can get, especially on the field." Myself, Ginny and Danvers had all become professional Quidditch Players playing Chasers and Seeker respectively for the Holyhead Harpies once the war had ended.

"I'm sure you'll be fine, love." Ron said rubbing his thumb soothingly over the back of my hand. The door opened and a Healer in lime green robes bustled in.

"Good News, Mrs Weasley. Lack of appetite solved. You're pregnant. Due in July time. Congratulations." The Healer said before turning on his heels and leaving.


Thank you all for reading! I hope you enjoy and if not, I welcome constructive criticism. I do take requests so don't hesitate to get in contact as I will be more than happy to write you one! Do you guys like the emoji hints that I use? Should I keep doing them? Please let me know, anyway, until I decide here are your hints for the next one shot:

🐽 🦡  👧🏻

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