Loving the Teacher (Remus Lupin)

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Well done to those of you that guessed! This one is about Remus Lupin. This one is set in 1995 with the pink toad and is also dedicated to Dancegirl_916 who recently gave me a surge of votes, so thank you and enjoy! Also, I'm going to majorly change the plot of the Order of the Phoenix for this one ;)

I winced as I made my way back to the Hufflepuff Common Room, the wound on my hand freshly bleeding and painful. I tapped the rhythm on the barrels and hurried inside to make sure that I had everything packed in time to leave for Christmas tomorrow.

I hadn't even done anything to deserve the detention. I was walking along the corridor with my friend Dustin Fallows when the pink toad appeared and gave us both detention for being closer than six inches apart. Helga, I couldn't wait to get back for Christmas.


I stood on the Platform, wondering who was picking me up to take me home when I saw the familiar shabby robes that I had grown to love. I made my way through the crowd with a smile on my face and felt strong arms wrap around my waist as I was pulled into a soft kiss.

"I've missed you." Remus said, brushing some hair out of my face.

"I've missed you too," I said with a smile, snuggling into his neck as we continued to hug, although, I reluctantly pulled away after a few minutes. "We should get going, otherwise dad will just make some inappropriate joke when we walk in."

Remus laughed and picked up my trunk at my protests. "Please, your father would make an inappropriate joke regardless if what time we arrived back."


"Mooney, please tell me you didn't deflower my daughter on the journey home!" Dad yelled as we arrived.

"Dad!" I exclaimed.

"Pads, you know I didn't." Remus said raising an eyebrow as we walked down the table towards our usual seats either side of him.

"We all know Lupin is too much of a gentlemen for casualness." Harry muttered as I walked past, causing me to whack him on the back of his head.

"Harry James Potter!" I scolded with a shake if my head. "You've been spending too much time with my dad."

"I know, isn't it beautiful, darling." Sirius said as I greeted him with a kiss on the top of his head and a roll of my eyes.


"How's term been so far?" Remus asked as we lay cuddled up in bed later that evening.

"It's been alright, we've got this horrid toad though." I said bitterly.

"We heard, Harry was telling us about her. Apparently she uses a blood quill for her detentions." Remus said in disgust.

"Yeah, she does." I said quietly.

Remus looked at me. "How would you know that?"

Without saying a word, I held my hand up showing Remus the still pink cuts from the night before. He let out a growl. "Does your dad know about this?"

"No." I said quietly.

"Right something needs to be done," He said starting to getting up but I laid both of my hands on his chest, preventing him from doing so.

"Don't. Just stay with me. It's only for a few months and then I'm done for good." I said quietly to which Remus lay back down and wrapped his arms around me.


As it turned out, Remus had told Dad and the both of them plotted with Dumbledore, which I guessed explained how the toad was now gone, Dumbledore was back and and my dad, who was cleared during my fifth year, was now our Astronomy Professor as Professor Sinstra had left to a new job and ny boyfriend was our Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor. Although, the icing on the cake was Snape's face. If that man could look any more angry, his face would probably be sucked into his head.

I smiled at the two before making my way to the Hufflepuff Common Room as the Welcome Feast ended.


"Well done everyone, we are well on our way to getting you ready for your practical N.E.W.T. You're dismissed. Miss Black, can I have a word please?" I remained seated as everyone left and Remus closed the door. I hoped onto the desk and Remus came back until he was facing me.

"Y/N, why are you with me?"

"What do mean Remus, you know why I'm with you."

"But I'm too old, too poor and a monster." Remus said looking down but I grabbed his chin bringing him to look at me.

"Remus John Lupin, I love you. You are none of those things to me. You're the man I love. Who cares about anything else. I love you and that's all that matters." I told him.

Remus kissed me with a smile.

"Are you certain?" Remus asked.

"Always." I said with a smile hopping off the desk, taking Remus' hand and leading him to his quarters.

4 YEARS LATER (June 1998)

I grinned as Teddy toddled towards me. My two year old son screamed with laughter as he ran towards me.

"Mumma! Mumma!" I crouched down and grinned as Teddy ran towards me but he was grabbed before he could reach me and Teddy laughed as he was thrown in the air before being caught by Remus.

"Gotcha!" Remus said tickling Teddy's tummy making me smile as I made my way over to the two of them, rubbing my swollen belly.

"Baby!" Teddy said pointing at my tummy.

"Yeah, that's right. Mummy has a baby in her tummy." Remus told Teddy who was touched my belly that Remus had lowered him down to.

"Yes! It's yet more evidence that you screwed my daughter, Remus!" Sirius yelled across the garden.

"Dad!" I scolded before walked towards him and embracing him in a hug.

"How's my grandaughter doing?" Sirius asked placing a hand on my stomach. "She's good. You're daughter is doing fine too." I remarked with a smirk.

"Your best friend and grandson is also doing fine." Remus said coming over with a smile.

"Puppup!" Teddy yelled out reaching out for Sirius with grabby hands.

I smiled, leaning against Remus. I loved our little, growing family.

Thanks for reading everyone! I hope you enjoyed it. Here's your hints for the next one:


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