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Axel and Jasper were quite comfortable laying on the couch. He sighed and looked at him with a bored expression.

"Is this what you do on Saturdays?" He asked.

"I have no friends." Ax replied stretching and getting off the couch.

Jasper laid patiently on the opposite end as Nibs slept on his chest. The pup snored softly twitching every so often.

"We could go and take pictures." Ax suggested.

"I know a place. A meadow in the back of my house." He explained and Ax smirked throwing his skateboard down.

"Wanna race me then, Vampire Boy."

Jasper grinned brightly with a glimmer of mischief in his eyes.

"Oh, snip fuck!" Axel screamed as he lost control and slammed into a tree.

"Are you alright?" Jasper asked grabbing him by his backpack. That is before he tensed covering her face.

Axel winced holding his nose that dripped with crimson, "Don't look at me. That was terribly embarrassing."

Jasper backed away keeping his hands clamped around his face. He resisted the urge to breath it in and smell it. "Clean it."

Axel nodded sitting down and pulling off his shoes to wipe his face with his sock before opening his fanny pack. He pulled out a lighter and burned it.

Jasper gasped as the smell of smoke covered the blood. "Why do you have a lighter?"

"I smoke, Dummy." Axel said walking deeper in the wood. He sniffed up the rest of the blood.

When they arrived at the meadow, they saw Edward and Bella standing there.

"I'm a killer." He said firmly.

Jasper hid him and they watched.

"I don't believe that." Bella responded following him as he walked around the roots of the trees.

"That's because you believe the lie to camouflage. I'm the world's most dangerous predator." He stated.

"He's a bit cocky about that." Jasper said with a chuckle. Axel exhaled sharply trying not to laugh.

"Everything about me, drags you in. My voice, my face, even my smell!" He continued. Axel turned to smell Jasper for a moment before shrugging. "As if I would need any of that."

He sped to the top of a small hill within a second, "As if you could out run me!"

He jumped down behind Bella, "As if you could fight me off!" He ripped a small tree from the rocks and threw it towards them. Jasper shielded him and continued watching.

Edward stared as Bella seemed to panic a bit, "I'm designed to kill."

The brunette gulped a bit before looking at him boldly, "I don't care."

"I've killed people before..."

"It doesn't matter."

Edward walked closer, "I wanted to kill you. I've never wanted a human's blood so much in my life."

Bella stared him down, "I trust you."

"Don't." He said in a barely audible voice.

"I'm here. I trust you." She assured as she softly grazed her face.

He sped to the hill again and stepped down onto a tree next to Bella. "My family, we're different from others of our kind. We only hunt animal and we learn to control our thirst. But you, you're scent... It's like a drug to me. Like my own personal brand of heroin."

Bella walked over and looked at him. "Is that why you hated me when we first met?"

"I did because I wanted you so badly. I still don't know if I can control myself."

"I know you can." She climbed up on the tree with him. Axel gagged a bit. It was like a horrible teen drama.

"I can't read your mind." Edward said walking off. "You have to tell me what you're thinking." He pinned her against the wall.

"Now I'm afraid..." Bella whispered.

"Good." He responded backing away.

"I'm not afraid of you. I'm only afraid of losing you... Like you're gonna disappear."

Edward looked pained for a moment before looking at Bella, "You don't know how long I've waited for you."

Bella trembled in his grip.

"So the lion fell in love with the lamb..."

"What a stupid lamb..."

"What a sick, masochistic lion." They laughed

"Here comes the emo goat boy!" Axel said finally stopping them from making out.

"Ax?" Bella said turning around.

"The one and only." He said with a grin.

"Jasper." Edward said looking through him.

"Edward." Jasper replied grabbing Axel and pulling him close.

"We'll just be leaving." Ax said grabbing Nib from a mossy rock.

"Yes, enjoy your day. Edward." Jasper said passive aggressively as they walked away.

"Why do you hate on Eddie boy." Ax asked jumping into the field of red flowers. Jasper looked at him curiously.

"I don't hate him." He responded.

"But- I hate him around you." Jasper interrupted.

"Uh- He is very twisted..." The vampire closed in on him and grabbed his hands. "I'm just worried. As a friend of course."

Axel turned his head, "Sure, dude. I have a new painting filter that I want to try out."

Jasper sat the pup down and she began sniffing around the soft dirt. It was warm from the sun. It shone down on Jasper and he glimmered like diamonds.

Ax's eyes widened and he dropped his phone without a thought. His heart skipped a beat and his body tensed up.

"Axel. Pass me the phone, I have a good picture." The human was shaken out of his thoughts and passed the phone.



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Axel smiled at the picture as he brushed his unruly hair. Jasper had left not too long ago because Bella was visiting that day.

"Axel!" His mother's voice called and he peeked out. She signaled for him to come.

"You're being re-homed soon. Me and my husband cannot support you here." She said firmly making his eyes widen in shock.

"But- I've already scheduled it for tomorrow. A woman should be here in the morning."

Nibbles growled before running upstairs and Axel followed her.

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