1. (E)

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Astin and the rest are not in this one unfortunately but this is more of an explanation for the chapters that come next.

It gets intense really quickly

A brunette sat peacefully in a diner taking shelter from the pouring rain. Her long sleeved shirt stuck to her and she admitted to herself that she was in over her head.

That's when a boy came in. He was tense and his dark eyes darted around...

Her eyes followed him cautiously as he sat down causally in her booth.

"What's your name?" He asked in a demanding voice.

"I don't trust you." She whispered curling up and looking into his eyes. The light lit them up and she saw the surprising red color. She assumed contacts but then wondered why such an unnatural color.

"I'm Riley." He introduced holding out his hand and the girl turned away. His lips curled into a small smile. "Are you hungry?"

"No. Please go away..." She said getting up and walking out of the restaurant.

She gasped as he appeared in front of her. He chuckled holding out a foil wrapper with a steaming cheeseburger in it.

"Want it? Come with me." He said.

She stepped back as her stomach growled. "I'm sorry, I just-"

"No, I'm sorry. I belive you will be my favorite."

The brunette freezed as she felt stray locks of hair graze her cheek.

"Welcome to the army." A female's voice whispered before the girl screamed.

6 months later

"Victoria, I have picked out the strongest of the newborns to train themselves for the final ambush." Laurent stated pulling his hoodie over his dreads as if he were ashamed.

"Are the rest prepared to go after the girl?" She asked watching as Riley commanded the unruly group of newborns. The redhead couldn't deny that her boyfriend was quite attractive.


But attractive none the less.

"There will be 26 at your disposal to kill the girl. The other 25 are for the ambush against the Cullens. But I have to say that number 32 is quite the nosy little girl. Especially after the fate of her little friend."

"Indeed. Quite unfortunate."

The brunette outside the door squeaked as it slammed open and she stood face to face with a particularly vicious Victoria.

"You lied. You lied to all of us!" She screamed as Victoria and Laurent overpowered her and put her in a chair.

"Listen here. I believe I have the perfect task for you. Be a good little girl and stay quiet." The red head said sweetly as the ripping sound of duct tape being peeled rang in her ears.

A few hours earlier

Bree walked the streets alone flinching at every snap, crackle, or bang she heard. Her friend, Fred stood beside her like a protective covering.

"They are repelled away from you?" She asked softly.

"Never liked being the center of attention as a human. Bad things happened like my parents divorcing or me being bullied." He muttered watching as the other newborns stalked around like animals.

Crawling on their knees and growling at each other like a pack of wild mutts.

There was Jen. A goth, black haired chick that ran her group and was appointed by Riley was the leader. Her red eyes were piercing and anyone would know them from a mile away. She constantly bullied and killed other newborns in her position but Riley didn't care.

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