11. (End of Twilight)

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Dear Jasper,

Edward is not pleased with me or you. Me and Alice have gotten closer over the beginning of summer. We are officially dating in everyone's eyes. I live with you guys permanently, too. Illegally but you get what you get. Esme was ecstatic when Carlisle said yes. Everyone was tense and protective at first.

I got in good with Emmett and I got a six pack instead of a muffin top.

Rosalie has been a big mood. But we hang out on the weekends. I also started working with her and Alice. The boss knows how to keep a secret. He didn't agree with how I was treated with my foster family.

Alice is as always in charge of my wardrobe lol.

My birthday is in 2 weeks.

I want you here with me because I love you.

That's really gay, I know.

Axel jumped out of his skin when Edward walked in with Bella.

"Hey." She hugged him.

"Does Charlie know you're out?"

"Nope. I've been working on gathering my money from my job into a savings."

"You're leaving Charlie?" Axel looked at her deeply.

"Yea. I'm almost 18 and Edward said that he would support me." Bella grinned.

"Bad girl, Belly. Running away with boys." He teased making her pinch his side.

"You are one to talk. Besides, I'm not even being bad. Jacob has been studying the quileute legends and the entire pack has relunctantly let the Cullens onto their territory at times."

"I've heard. Lots of young wolves are shifting because of it. Carlisle and Emmett typical help them spar and I go to see Paul and Rachel."

"Jake's worried about his change. I told him that I will care about him despite him being a giant wolf."

"He has a crush on you." Edward tensed glaring at Axel for bringing it up.

"I'm aware. He'll grow out of it when he imprints." She said with a sad smile.

"Does Belly like Jakey?" He tickled her making her laugh.

"As a friend. I'm not interested in Jake. I have Edward and he respects that."

"Cute. Now you." He points to Edward, "Do I have a letter?"

Edward passed him the ivory envelope and turns it to see the orangish red wax crest. He opens it and begins reading.


I am looking forward to seeing you again. My temper has calmed and I have learned to control my lust for blood.

Carlisle, however, is very disappointed with me however.

Sometimes, I feel like they will exclude me from the coven...


Axel slid over to his desk and began writing his thoughts as Bella watched.


Don't acknowledge all the crossed out lines and scribbles on the top of this page.

The Cullens would never do that. I wouldn't let them.

We can always make our own coven one day. Me, you, and Alice can travel the world and escape our worries.

I'm not good at being encouraging.



"Ok, Edward." The vampire began dripping red wax on the folded letter. Axel put the seal on it and turned to Bella.

"That was sweet. I like the idea." Bella smiled poking his cheeks.

"Stoppp! My chubs." He whined holding his cheeks.

"They're so chubby when you do that." She cooed.

"Stoop!" He screeched fighting her off.

"Alice." The girl turned.

"Dinner's almost ready." She assured but he shook his head.

"I'm not worried about that." He took a breath, "Would you run away with me and Jasper if we wanted to?"

Alice turned with a tense look that was unlike her. "Axel..."

"It's fine if you don't. I was just asking rhetorically." He started walking away.

"What if rhetorically I wanted to go, what happens then?" She asked from behind him stirring the pot of tomato soup as she checked on the grilled cheese.

He turned around with wide eyes, "Then we would travel the world! We could go to China or Australia! Kangaroos, Alice!"

The vampire giggled at his excitement. "Yes. Kangaroos. Now come eat."

"Ok." He sat down at the island as Alice put the plate and bowl of soup down. "Emmett still playing with Nibbles?"

"Nope, Rosalie stole her earlier saying that she was gonna train her a bit."

"Train her to do what?"

"Nibble, use tackle!" The pup barreled into Alice's legs looking at the vampire innocently. Alice giggled picking her up and kissing her nose.

"I knew I shouldn't have showed you Pokemon!" Axel yelled making Rosalie laugh. The human chased the vampire to her room.


"I'm not letting you in!" She screamed back trying to contain her giggles.

"Rosalie, I won't kill you if you let me in."

"I'm already dead."

"Open the door, Rosalie!"

Carlisle came out of his office to see what the commotion was.

"Rosalie taught my dog to use pokemon moves." Axel tattled.

"It was funny." She justified opening her door making him fall over, "And it was Emmett's idea to do it. We were thoroughly interested in the show after you fell asleep."

"I believe I have an NES in the attic by similar developers." Carlisle stated looking up at the ceiling.

"I got a Gameboy advanced back in my old foster home. I keep them in my fanny pack. I have all the pokemon games. Red, blue, gold, silver, crystal, ruby and sapphire." He explained opening his pack to show the game cartrages.

"Can I play?!" Emmett asked making everyone jolt having not heard him come up the stairs.

"You can play blue. I deleted the save file after I put everything in my red game. I used it to get all the starter pokemon and version exclusives." He explained showing his link cable.

Emmett sat on the ground and began playing. Rosalie watched and kissed his cheek.

"Cute... Give it back when you finish."

"Of course." Emmett said waving him away.

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