7. (E) Extra Chappie

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Alice's eyes narrowed as she had a vision.

"Alice, what did you see?" Jasper questioned drawing everyone's attention.

"I-" The short haired vampire turned for a moment, "Edward?"

"I have no idea what to make of it. The newborns coming out of wat-"

"What is it, Dear?" Aro questioned but Alice ignored him walking towards the door of the throne room.

"We need to return to Forks. Now!"

Bella looked up at Sam as he stiffened.

"What's going on?" She asked.

He barked sharply to Jared and Jacob before they both ran off. Leah walked up to her and grabbed her by her shirt.

"Hey! Leah! What the hell?!"

That's when she saw them. All of them stalking out from the ocean...

The Cullen's rushed into their private jet as Alice kept a close eye on Bella.

"Alice?!" Edward said in a strained voice.

"She's fine. Leah is protecting her. There's a lot..." She took a moment, "50 at least."

"Hey!" They all turned to see Demetri, Felix, Alec, and Jane.

"Master sent us to come with you. This is not a truce and any wolves that attack us will not be honored as a neutral. We only ask for the head of the criminal." Alec explained stepping in the plane.

"So they want head from this girl." Jane nodded not understanding the undertone as Axel snickered. "Kinky."

"Axel!" Rosalie snapped as Emmett doubled over.

They took off not long after that.

"We should be there in about 3 hours." Carlisle stated coming back from the cockpit.

"Alice?" Edward questioned tensing.

"That's too long. We'll need to drive to Forks as well." She suddenly shot up, "They're gonna kill her!"

"Leah!" Bella yelled running as a newborn ran towards her.

"I got you, Bella!" A voice yelled sailing over them and snapping the head from the newborn.


The brunette turned nodding. She then returned to battle.

"Bree joined the fight. She might spare us some time."

"She'll just repeatedly heal the wolves so they can fight." Axel stated, "It'll be a stand still."


"So essentially, she is the white mage. Nobody. Fucks. With. The. White. Mage." The teenager punctuated. Even Edward scoffed a bit of a laugh at that one.

Bree yelped as Leah tackled the newborn from her back as she healed Seth. He gave her a thankful whine before rushing back into battle.

"Don't let them get their arms around your neck. Everything else I can heal." She informed Leah, who nuzzled her stomach.

"Bella. Don't get bit. Or dead for that matter..."

"Uh... Ok." She got up and grabbed a shovel from Billy's shed. For once she was glad that he was fishing with her dad.

"Come and get me!" Bella yelled slamming her shovel into a newborn's head.

The newborn turned around and raised an eyebrow. She paled even more than normal.


They stared at each other for a moment before the newborn laughed.

"Your face is priceless!"

"Shut up! That was supposed to be more effective."

"You're lucky that I'm not like all these other idiots or you might be dead. I'm Garrett."

"You're not a newborn?"

"Nah. Just spectating. I come to see my old buddy Carlisle and see an entire army. I just decided to blend in."

"I know them. They were planning to change me but this woman, Victoria wants me dead."

"Oh, seems like an interesting predicament."


The blonde coven leader turned towards Alice.

"Garrett is there. He's deciding between helping Bella and letting them attack her."

"It's been a while since I've seen Garrett."

Axel raised an eyebrow, "Hold the phone, who is Garrett?"

"Carlisle's friend. A nomad vampire that typically targets english men to feed from. Long brown hair. Red eyes. The works." Emmett explained.

"Interesting." He chuckled in reply. Everyone rolled their eyes slightly.

Garrett stared at Bella for a moment before smirking.

"Reminds me of the good old days." He stretched before speeding into the battlefield.

The brunette watched as he grabbed two newborns and smashed their heads together.

Bree squeaked as he pushed her out of the way and kicked the newborn that was chasing her.

"Thank you." She said softly

"No problem, Madame." Bree looked away bashfully.

"Looks like their retreating?"

Garrett's eyes narrowed, "They're waiting for something..."

"The Cullens?"

"Most likely." Garrett jumped into a tree. Bella looked up at him as the wolves regrouped around them.

Bree grabbed her phone from her pocket seeing 7 missed called from Rosalie. She called back only to gain a dial tone.

"Be careful, Edward." Carlisle stated firmly grasping his shoulder.

"I'll be fine, Carlisle. I can do it." Edward stated before jumping out the plane into the ocean.

"Edward has balls of steel. I would be dead before I hit the water."

Alice poked him, "Don't say that!" She pouted and held his arm.

"Hey, you. You won't be getting rid of me so easily." Axel kissed her nose.

Alice huffed puffing her cheeks like a angry fairy.

"Lips, please." Alice puckered her lips and the teenager appeared to think about it before pecking her lightly.

Jasper smiles before looking out the window of the plane as they began descending to lower altitudes.

The two mates shared a glance before looking away.

Jane watched in interest not letting her feelings show outwardly. "I wonder if Edward will make it. It would be a miracle if he made it out alive..."

Carlisle looked at the blonde Volturi Guard, "Edward is the fastest and when it comes to his mate, he will easily become the strongest of us all. You'll understand when you find your own, Jane."

"I have no mate..." The guard popped her neck.

"Everyone has a mate."

"Her mate was killed by Caius." Alec stated nonchalantly. Everyone on board the plane fell silent in shock and sympathy.

"Ouch." Axel whispered.

Edward got to mainland and ran to Forks within the hour. He jumped down the mountains with Bella on his mind. Her scent. Her sassy attitude. Her clumsiness.

He snorted thinking about her adorable pout and how she turned red when she was angry.

It was in the moment that he heard Victoria's thoughts coming towards him. He growled as she did.

The two lunging at each other like wild animals.

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