8. (E Final)

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Bree watched in shock as Victoria and Edward fought in front of her. She focused her gift on him healing any cracks in his porcelain skin.

"Jacob, help Edward." Bella nodded towards him and he gave a wolfy smirk.

His paws shook the earth and he howled. The rest of the pack charged the newborns hiding in the trees as he snapped at Victoria's head.

"Back off, Jacob." Edward growled staring at him with his charcoal eyes.

'Tell that to your mate. She told me to help.' He thought before pausing, 'Kneel her to the ground.'

Edward raised and eyebrow but didn't question as the wolf backed away. Victoria snapped at him grabbing his neck with both hands. The Cullen bent over backwards and Jacob latched on to her head despite her muffled screams.

Her hands released Edward and focused on prying Jacob's canines from her throat. The brown wolf shook her back and forth like a chew toy before Edward stomped down on her lower half.

Her body snapped loose from her head and Jake spit it to the side. Bella jumped into Edward's arms as he pulled out a match.

Bree watched Victoria's body go up in flames before relaxing. A weight has been lifted from her shoulders. She turned her golden eyes to Edward and began falling to the ground in relief. Her shoulders shook as she sobbed wordlessly but no tears fell. Her tormentors were all dead.

Axel smiled as he walked back into the Cullen household.

"Oh, shit! We're back!" He exclaimed falling on the couch. Alice jumped on his back and laid on top of him.

"You did good Edward." Jake admitted backing away, "Take care of Bella for me."

"Yea." With the final note, Jacob took off into the woods.

"Bella! Let's go get wasted!" Axel yelled.

"Axel, underage drinking." She shook her head.

"Shh... We did it when we went to Texas and didn't get caught... Oops-"

Esme put her hands on her hips and gave him a look, "No drinking."

"Esmeeeee...." He whined, "I didn't get to drink in Italy!"

"A sacrifice for Bella's well being." The brunette in question stuck her tongue out at him.



"Bella! Axel! Language!" Edward laughed shaking his head as Esme scolded them.

"I'm an adult!"

"With the mind of a 10 year old." Bella retorted.

"You're an adult with the clumsiness of a baby horse trying to walk on two legs."

"Shut up!" She hissed as everyone snickered.

Axel's face became a soft smile, "I'm glad your still with us, Bell. For real."

She smiled bashfully...


Was gonna wait until tomorrow but you guys deserve it.

See you guys in Breaking Dawn 😊👌

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