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Axel sat with Rachel coloring happily as Nib laid on his lap.

"Paul has been gone for a whil-"


They both looked up simultaneously and began walking out of the house. Rachel held him close like her own child.

"Axel." Jasper jumped down from the roof making them scream.

"Jasper!" Ax hugged him tightly, "I missed you. They let you come?"

Rachel looked at Jasper tensely.

"Axel, we need to go." Jasper stated and Ax tilted his head in confusion.

"What's up?" That's when he heard the howling for back up.

"What did you do, Leech!?" Rachel growled pulling Axel behind her.

"I came for Axel." Jasper said grabbing his opposite arm.

Ax looked back and forth having a flashback.

"Give me my son, Richard!" His mother screamed trying to pull him into the car.

"You aren't taking my son to his house! He is my fucking son!" His father screamed.

"I gave birth to him!"

"I raised him when you were out with other men!"

"He doesn't need to hear that!"

"Don't fucking act like you didn't poison him against me!"

Axel screamed making them both drop him. The human sobbed falling to the ground. He couldn't breath. The world was constricting around him.

"Axel, breathe."

"I-I-" The world went black around him.

When the human woke up, he saw huge brown paws carrying him.

"I apologize for the inconvenient, Sam." He heard Carlisle's voice. "Jasper will be harshly reprimanded for his rash actions."

"He hurt my pack member! For protecting his imprint!"

"Axel is his mate. It's similar but on a more personal level. He is also Alice's bloodsinger."


"A human who's blood sings to a vampire's instincts. It's like a drug for them but Alice is special. She doesn't go ballistic but instead keeps him close."

"I see..."

Axel's eyes opened and he looked up to see Sam and Carlisle. He was breathing slowly and heavily.

"Carl-lise." Axel breathed making him look at him. The blonde vampire kneeled and put a bottle of water to his lips.

"Drink." Axel followed his instructions and water slipped from his mouth down his cheeks.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"I'm nauseous." He groaned.

"I will be able to get you medication when we get to my house." Carlisle informed him as they traveled into the driveway and up the stairs.

"Where's Jasper." Everyone was silent as they pulled him into a bed.

"His blood pressure is low."

"Hey! Where's Jasper?" He repeated.

"Denali. I sent him to Denali to learn how to control himself with Kate."

"Bullshit. Bring him back!" Axel said getting up and glaring at Carlisle despite the aching in his head.

"Axel, listen- NO, YOU LISTEN!" The boy interrupted. The vampire silenced and allowed him to speak.

"I want Jasper back. I know he did a bad thing but give him another chance." Tears spilled over as he curled up.

"Kid..." Sam sighed looking at Jared.

"I mean he loves a vampire. A male vampire." Jared snorted at that making Axel punch him in the face with his cast before wincing.

"For fucks-" he growled holding his fist.

"Damn." Jared backed away holding his hands up.

"I hate you. I hate you all." Ax snapped nurturing his wound. He didn't have Nib. He didn't have Jasper...

"Carlisle, where's Alice?"

Ax sat in Alice's room looking at the painting. The girl came in before pausing in surprise.

"You cut your hair, too?"

"I shortened my bangs and put gel in my hair. I don't want to cut it because I cannot grow it back." Alice explained showing off the pixie hairstyle.

"It looks beautiful." He smiled before his lips trembled.

"Poor baby." Alice closed in and he hugged her tightly. They inhaled each others scent and Ax kissed Alice's cheek.

"I want to tell you about my life. Why I'm in foster care." He whispered and Alice sat on the bed putting on a serious expression.

Ax rubbed his hands together and sighed. "I was born in a bad abusive situation. Not normal, my mom was abusing my dad. She would slap him, pull his hair, punch him, cheating on him. She'd tell me that he forced himself on her and I was the result of it. I never believed it. My mom lived off of my father's money. She didn't work."

"So, your mother was abusive."

"Yes, and she was dating my teacher at the time. Mr. Grogan..." Axel gulped at his name.

Suddenly, there was a knock and Rosalie came in.

"May I?" Ax nodded and she sat on the floor kicking the door with her foot.

"So she was dating my teacher. It was a serious relationship although she was married to my father. My teacher was very sweet to me although..."

"I believe I know where this is going." Alice cringed.

"There was one day that I went to school. Mr. Grogan asked me to go into the classroom before class. I was 9. Nobody was there and the classroom was a tornado safe room so it had no windows except the one on the door." He gulped.

(Trigger Warning)

"What do you need, Sir." Axel was always taught to say yessir, and yes, ma'am. It was polite and the difference between having a good day or a painful day in a hospital room.

At least, that was what his mother told him.

"Just relax. How's school?" He asked as the child sat at the desk.

"It's fine, Sir. I have friends and I have playdates. My dad takes me." He pulled out a water bottle and began drinking.

"Oh, really." The man began caressing his leg. Axel cringed.

"Don't touch me there." He tensed up feeling sick. His dad had given him the talk about his private places.

"Your mother said that I could. It's fine. Everything is alright."

"She did?" He asked innocently looking down.

"Of course. Now get on my lap."

Axel rocked back and forth shaking as Alice wrapped her arms around him.

"It's ok." She whispered in his ear.

"He touched me, Alice." Axel sobbed rubbing his face into her chest.

"I know. You're safe now. I will never let anyone touch you."

"Me neither. I've been there..." Rosalie added running her fingers through his hair.

"Alice... I'm sleepy."

"You just got up." She said teasingly. Axel stuck his tongue out and she returned the gesture.

See Life In Focus [A. Cullen & J. Hale]Where stories live. Discover now