Chapter Eight ✓

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JONATHAN PULLED UP TO THE BYERS HOUSE, AND JESS GOT OUT OF THE CAR AND WENT TO THE BACK TO THE TO GET THE SUPPLIES. She couldn't believe they were finally going to kill it. Kill the beast that took Barb and Will. Jonathan unlocked the trunk, and they grabbed the materials that they needed for the night. 

They took everything inside, dropped the box down, and Jess let out a breath of air. First they fixed the broken Christmas lights, the ones that ran out, and then Jess helped Jonathan put the bear trap together.

Jess loaded up her father's gun, and Nancy loaded hers as well. Jess put gasoline on the floor as Jonathan built his bat. He put nails in it, and she made a trail of gasoline. When everything was set up, Jess took the safety off of her gun.

"I'm ready."


Nancy finished wrapping Jess's hand, and Nancy wrapped up Jonathan's. They were talking quietly and Jess heard something move. "Did you hear that?" The dark haired girl asked, standing up, and looking around the house. "It's just the wind," Jonathan said. Jess shook her head. "Don't worry, my Mom... she said the lights speak when it comes."

Jess furrowed her eyebrows. "Speak?"

"Like... think of them as alarms." Jess looked up, frowning.

"What have our lives come to," She whispered.

Jess jumped out of her skin when there was a knock on the door. She left Nancy and Jonathan to answer.

"Jonathan! Are you there? It's- it's Steve!" "Oh god," Jess looked at the floor where they dripped their blood on it.

"Listen I just want to talk!" Jess put her gun in her back pocket, throwing her Dad's jacket over her shoulders so he wouldn't see it.

"I got it," Nancy said, unlocking the door.

"Steve, you need to leave."

When Steve pushed his way through, Jess backed up and put her hand behind her back so he wouldn't see her bandage. "Steve!" Jess tried to stop him, and he looked around the room. "What is- what the? Jess! What's going on?!"

"You need to get out of here!" Jonathan said.

"What is all this? What is that smell-" "I'm not asking you, I'm telling you. Get out of here!"


"Steve!" Jess said, pulling her father's gun on him.

"Whoa." "Get out!" She yelled. Nancy stood beside her. "Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, okay wait, what?! What is going on?!" "You have five seconds to get out of here!" Jess yelled. "Whoa, this is a joke, stop. Put the gun down, Jess."

"I'm doing this for you, you got to trust me and leave."

"Jess," Nancy said from behind her. "What?!"

"Three," Jess started counting. "Whoa, Whoa, wait no, Jess!" "Jess!" Nancy yelled again.


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