Chapter Three ✓

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JESS WAS SITTING ON THE COUCH THE NEXT MORNING WATCHING TV WHEN THE DOORBELL RANG. "Mom?!" The girl called, not wanting to get off the couch. She flicked through the channels on the tv that morning, as always, there was nothing to watch. She never liked watching tv, anyway. The doorbell rang again, but her mother hadn't come downstairs.

"Mooommm!" She practically screamed/yelled.

She groaned standing up from the couch and heading to the door. It was obvious her mother was busy in the shower or ignoring her, so she answered and when she opened it Joyce stood there.

"Joyce?" Jess asked, folding her arms. "Did you need me in today? I talked to Will and he said-"

"No, this isn't about the store. Well, sort of. No- not really. I've been thinking all night and all morning about what Mr. Clarke said, that anything is possible and I've been thinking... what if it's the lab?" Jess's heart quivered. She could be right, she really did not want to go back there. Not to the place they almost died.

Not to the place where Bob died.

"I Uh- Joyce... Maybe you're over thinking it. I don't think- the lab is gone. Dead. We shut it down. El closed the gate. There's nothing left."

"We don't know that until we see for ourselves." "Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. Wait. You want to go back?" Joyce looked down. "I mean, after Bob? After those things almost killed you Hopper and Mike and the others?" Joyce sighed, looking at her and giving her a face of desperateness. "Okay, fine. If this will give you a piece of mind, I will come with you. But- I swear if anything happens, or if anything- I mean anything pops out of nowhere that shouldn't be, I'm running." "Alright, but first I want to talk to Hopper." "Hang on." Jess poked her head in the door, "Mom! I'm going to hang out with Steve at the mall!" Jess shook her head, not that her mother heard her. "You ready?"



"Hopper? Hopper, are you there?!" Joyce banged on Hoppers door. "Hopper, it's us let us in!" Jess yelled as well slamming her palm on his door.

"Are you there?" Joyce walked in his house and Jess followed. "Oh! Look who it is," Hopper said.

"We need to talk," Joyce said, glancing at Jess.

"We?" "Yeah," Jess said, folding her arms. "I haven't been stood up like that since Alice Gilbert in the 9th grade." "What are you doing, Joyce?" Joyce went to Hoppers fridge, and took out the magnets from her bag. "Just watch," Jess said, her eyes darting towards the fridge.

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