Chapter Five ✓

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JESS WOKE UP WITH A SMILE ON HER FACE THE NEXT MORNING. She was up early again, but she took her time and got ready for the day. She went to her closet and pulled out a pair of Levi jeans, a white shirt, and a jacket. She put on her beige booties and went to sit down at her vanity. She brushed through her hair, and left it down naturally wavy.

She added some mascara, and a little cover up for some more natural colour and blush. When she was finished and satisfied, she put some clear lip gloss on and wrapped a scarf around her neck.

After finishing getting ready for the day Jess went downstairs where her mother was up and having a cup of coffee. "Morning." Jess smiled.

"Morning. You look nice today." "Was that a compliment?" Jess pretended to be shocked.

Natalie laughed. "You always look beautiful. Are you seeing Steve today?" "Um, I don't know. I haven't heard from him yet." Jess poured herself a glass of orange juice, and dumped some cinnamon toast crunch into a bowl. Natalie was smiling at her seat looking at her daughter. Jess could feel her staring from the corner of her eye but didn't say anything.

She took her cereal and sat down with her Mom.

"After we pick up your car I have a few errands to make. You'll be okay here at home?"

Jess shrugged. "Of course. I'll be fine." "You can come with me if you want. I need to get a few things. I was thinking of stopping by to see Joyce." Jess looked at her. "I'm sure she would like that. Maybe I'll see what Dustin's doing. I haven't seen him for a while."

Natalie smiled. "Okay. Hurry up and finish." The woman got up from her seat and kissed her daughter on the head. "I left my bag upstairs." Jess chuckled and continued to eat her breakfast. When she was done she put her bowl in the sink and cleaned up her mess. Natalie came back downstairs with her car keys in her hands.


Jess nodded. "Yep."


After they got her car Natalie dropped her off at home. Jess was in her bedroom cleaning her mess from the other day. She had clothes everywhere. Shoes, clothes, dresses and skirts.

She really did not want to clean. So instead she went down stairs and grabbed the house key.

She headed outside into the fresh air. She locked the door and put her key in her pocket.

Jess started walking down the driveway and down the road.

She finally made it to Dustin's driveway, and she walked to his front door. Double knocking, she waited until he answered and when he finally did Jess was very confused to what he was wearing. They both stared at each other with shock in their eyes. "Dustin? What the hell are you wearing? Why do you have oven mitts and a hockey stick?-" she was not sure what she was seeing.

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