Chapter One - Fight or Flight?

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Quick A/N - my books are written for mature audiences, please don't be too offended by my smut writing! It's all in good taste I promise! Let me know what you think and if you have any thoughts or ideas for me!! xo


I couldn't breathe. Time slowed down as I stood still, trying to understand the words I had just heard.

Turning to Tanner, I stuttered " W-wait, I'm sorry, you're married?" I retorted, a strangled laugh escaping my lips.

"It's not what you think Luna I promise" he urged, stepping towards me.

That's when I ran.

Straight out of the door I came from, and out into the yard, I sprinted as hard and as fast as I could back to the small cottage I'd stayed in last night.

"Luna! Wait! Please!" Tanner shouted, his voice fading with every step I took.

I reached the door and reefed it open, slamming it shut and locking it behind me.

"I need to pack, I need to go" I muttered to myself out loud. Biting back the tears that were fighting to come out, I made a silent promise not to cry until I got home. I wouldn't give him that power over me.

Tugging my suitcase onto the bed, I packed my belongings and dragged my luggage out into the hallway. Once I was sure all my belongings were packed up, I opened the door and walked down to the house. I could hear shouting voices, both male and female.

Not wanting to step into Angelina's firing line again, I dragged myself around the corner and out the gate to the front driveway. Calling the local taxi company, I sat and waited for my driver to pull up.

I couldn't help but think about last night. How amazing it was and how it felt when he held me, made love to me, kissed me and told me he loved me. My core tingled, betraying my heart and mind and I scolded myself internally for thinking about it.

As soon as I was in the cab, I instructed the driver to take me directly to the address for Mr Martinez. I had worked too hard for this deal to let some silly personal drama get in the way, and I was going to present this, one way or another.

Tapping away, I finalised my flight to depart at 5:30pm to take me home. The thought of pulling myself into my own home and bed was the fuel to get me through this meeting. My phone buzzed, pulling me out of my thoughts. I groaned out loud when Tanners name lit up the screen.

"Mr Black" I answered, as neutral as possible.

"Luna" he breathed, "Where are you? You've taken all your things?" He questioned, and I realised he must have been standing in the cabin.

"Mr Black, what can I do for you?" I said simply. I didn't want to make small talk, I just wanted him to go away.

"Where are you?" He asked again, a deadly serious tone in his voice.

"I am on my way to our meeting with Mr Martinez to close this deal, and then I am going to the airport to catch my flight home" I said, a little more harsh than I intended, but my message was clear.

"I'm on my way, I will meet you there. After we close this deal, we will talk." He said with finality. I knew that was his final stance on the subject, and with that I pressed the end call button.

My stomach was already in knots thinking about seeing him again, even though it had barely been half an hour since we were separated. I could hear his voice in my mind as clear as day.

We will talk...

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