Chapter Six - Head or Heart?

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Instinctively I wrapped my arms around his neck and into his hair. His hands moved down my waist and around my legs. He swiftly picked me up and bustled through the doorway, kicking the door shut behind him, but never breaking the kiss. The kiss grew hard and fast, all of the anger between us coming to the surface.

Making his way up the steps with one hand around me and one hand around the railway he led me to the edge of the bed, sitting down with me in his lap. His hands came around my backside and he pulled me flush against him.

My hips grinding against his waist, I pulled away from his lips and trailed kisses down his neck, nipping and biting his ear lobe I decided I was feeling brave.

"Does Angelina please you like this?" I kissed the base of his neck and he let out an involuntarily moan.

"Does she make you moan like that?" I returned my mouth to his, kissing him hard. He pulled away and flipped us so he was towering over me.

His hands moved to my button down shirt, putting each hand between the collar of the shirt, he pulled hard, buttons popping everywhere. His hands running over my bra, he reached under me and popped the clip with two fingers, before ripping it off my skin, leaving my top half exposed.

Bending down, he claimed one breast in his mouth, sucking and nipping, while his other hand groped my other with his fingers, pulling hard on my nipple I moaned loudly. His eyes snapped up to greet mine, laced with desire and anger all in one.

His hands slid down my breasts, over my stomach and to my jeans, where he unbuttoned them and slipped them past my legs and off my ankles, along with my underwear.

Before I had a chance to breathe, his lips wrapped around my core. Desire and pleasure shot through my body and I cried out his name. He returned his eyes to mine and he spoke in harsh breaths, his fingers replacing where his mouth had just been. Slowing moving his fingers in and out. I writhed underneath him, bucking my hips and breathing heavy.

"cariño, do you think he could please you like I can? Do you think he could fuck you senseless? Do you think he could make you come like I do?" His removed his fingers from inside me and I whimpered at the loss of his touch. He reached down and unzipped his jeans, tugging them down, followed by his shirt.

"You belong with me, your body aches for me and mine aches for you. no pelees cariño [don't fight it sweetheart]" he whispered before driving into me hard.

I let out a loud cry at the sudden entrance, but that didn't slow him down. He moved in and out, hard and fast, and I could feel myself on the edge of orgasm.

"Please, please" was all I could say before he picked up speed and began to rub his thumb against my clit. My ecstasy reached its peak and I called out his name before I came. He continued to thrust into me, sending an aftershock of orgasm waves through my body, jerking my hips to the rhythm of his thrusts.

" Fuck yes, just like that Cariño" he groaned before releasing himself. He slowed his thrusts, still remaining on top of me, meeting his mouth with mine again for another kiss. This time it was slower, more sensual. We had both let go of the pent up anger inside and exhaustion hit like a freight train.

"Cariño qué me estás haciendo? [sweetheart what are you doing to me]" he whispered before pulling out of me and dragging me into his arms. The tears I had been holding back for days came flooding out as I sobbed into his arms.

"I'm sorry, don't cry cariño, please forgive me" he said, running his hands up and down my back, comforting me.

"What do you want Tanner?" I half whispered half cried. I knew I wanted to be with him, I wanted him to want me, but not if his wife was in the picture. I wanted him to be completely with me, no other ties to anyone else.

"I want to be with you Luna, truly I do. Isn't that enough?" He whispered back. We were both exhausted and sleep followed soon after, but not before my brain could think;

I know in my heart it will never be enough.

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