Chapter Seventeen - The Spanish Inquisition

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I stood completely still, trying to take in the words Tanner had just said to me. After a moment, I spoke.

"How's your wife Tanner?" I shot out at him. He looked down and ran his hand through his hair. Sighing, he stepped back slightly.

"Luna, it's not that easy. I've told you why I can't —" I held my hand up to stop him before he could go further.

"Tanner, I am not willing to even have this conversation with you. I can't be with you knowing that you're married. I want to get married one day, I want to have a family and grow old with someone. You aren't even willing to divorce a woman you can't stand" I finished. Turning my back and opening the apartment door.

He followed but stopped at the door. Looking at me intently, he held himself against the door frame.

"So if I get divorced, you'll be with me?" He said.

"Tanner, it's not that easy. I'm seeing where things go with Orlando right now... Things with him are easy. Things with you are complicated. The sex has always been amazing with you, the best I've ever had, but it's not enough. I need more, and you can't give that to me" I said.

Closing the door, I peered through the crack to look at him again. I couldn't stand to see him hurt. I opened the door and stepped into his body, hugging him tightly. He wrapped his arms around me, hugging me tightly.

"Luna, I..." he leant down and brushed the hair out of my face. Leaning in, he closed the distance between us and kissed me. It was soft, sweet and full of emotion. My brain was screaming at me to pull away, but my heart couldn't.

"Tanner, I can't do this right now" I said, pulling out of his arms and closing the apartment door.

Fuck my fucking life. What the fuck am I supposed to do...

After a long, much needed shower, I finished drying my hair and got dressed. Wearing a navy sweater dress and my black knee high boots, I grabbed my jacket from the coat rack and pulled it on. The power had come back, and I took the opportunity to clean the apartment, mainly in an attempt to keep my mind busy.

2pm rolled around and my stomach grumbled loudly. Grabbing my phone, wallet and keys, I called Kairi and asked her if she could meet me for lunch.

"Oh Luna, I would normally love to catch up but... Axel and I are moving in together!" She squealed. Part of me was bitter. I was jealous that she had it so easy compared to my situation.

"oh wow... congratulations. We can catch up another time, I'll see you Monday" I said , hanging up before I had to hear anymore. Stepping out of the lift, I walked out onto the street just as my phone rang.

"Hi Orlando" I answered, looking around at the available food options and cursing myself for not having food at home.

"Luna" he breathed, his husky voice stopping me in my tracks. God I was aroused just hearing his voice.

"Are you hungry?" He asked. Looking around, I wondered if he had someone following me. I laughed and switched the phone to my other ear.

"I'm starving, I must have worked up an appetite last night" I murmured into the phone. He was quiet and I heard some rustling and then a door closing.

"Luna, are you trying to turn me on in this meeting?" He chuckled through the phone.

"Well it depends.." I said, stepping into the library down beneath the cafe, "is it working?" I said, dropping my voice low and sultry.

"I can't wait to see you again" he said, "there's so many things I want to do to you" he whispered. Hiding myself behind a bookshelf in the corner of the store.

"Like what? I've been thinking about things I want you to do to me too" I whispered back.

"Tell me" he said. Biting my lip, I thought about what to say. I didn't want him to think I only wanted him for the sex.. it was a great part of being with him, but not the main reason.

"I'd rather show you sometime" I said. He was quiet on the other end of the line for a moment before he spoke.

"Luna, tell me. If I have to ask you again, I'll come and find you, and there will be consequences" he said, an amused tone, but I could tell there was a serious side to his words. It turned me on.

"Orlando" I said breathlessly through the phone.

"I want to... I want you to use your mouth again, god that felt so good... I want to use my mouth too, I want to know what you taste like" I finished. He was silent for a long while, I thought he hung up.

"Are you there?" I said. Hearing him take a deep breath through the phone, he replied.

"Where are you now?" He said.

"In a bookshop, looking for new reading material" I explained.

"Is everything okay?" I said, concern in my voice.

"Luna I'm sorry but have to go, I'll talk to you soon" he said before hanging up. How weird, the meeting must have been called back. I walked around the bookshelves, trying to find books that would peak my interest. I pulled out a series about a young girl living in the wilderness, running from her past.

Lost in my own world, I was startled when a pair of hands spun me around and pinned me against the back wall I was checking out, which was hidden behind the shelves at the rear of the shop.

Orlando wrapped one hand around my waist and pulled himself against me, bringing his lips down on mine and kissing me. I wrapped my hands in his hair, pressing myself against him. His hands drifted down and said underneath my dress, pulling my underwear to one side. Sliding his fingers inside me, I moaned into his mouth. Pulling back slightly, his eyes were almost black, and completely taken over by lust. He thrust in and out with two fingers, while his thumb circled my clit.

He picked up the pace while silencing my moans with his mouth. Pulling away slightly, he brought his lips up to the base of my throat and kissed up to my ear.

"Don't make a noise" he said. Quickly glancing around, he realised there were no other people in the library, they were all upstairs. Taking his fingers out, he reached down to unzip his fly, pulling out his hard member. He lifted one of my legs up and hooked it around his forearm. In a split second he was deep inside me, thrusting hard and fast, both of us silencing the other with kisses.

Pulling away, I bit my lip to stop the moans escaping. I was so close.

"I'm going to...oh god" I whispered against his neck as I came, hard. A few thrusts later and he followed, releasing his climax against my mouth. Pulling himself out of me, he tucked himself in and zipped himself up before returning his attention to my mouth. I kissed him back hard, I was still so turned on by the sudden surprise of seeing him, and then the surprise of him taking me against the bookshelf.

This was my best visit to the library. Ever.

"Come with me" he said, taking my hand and guiding me upstairs, we quickly paid for my books and exited the shop. He ushered me into the back of his car and gave his driver an address. Sliding the privacy glass up, he turned to face me.

"Luna" he said, "I'm going to make every fantasy you've ever had come true" he said. I climbed into his lap, kissing him hard. Pulling back I smiled at him.

"We can't do everything today Orlando, we need to keep the excitement alive, otherwise you'll get bored with me" I laughed.

His expression was serious when he looked directly into my eyes.

"Luna, you are single handedly the most amazing woman I've ever met. You will never be boring to me... but I need to talk to you about something" he said seriously. Climbing off his lap, I took the seat beside him.

"Ask me anything" I said honestly.

"Luna, I'm not the type to beat around the bush. I know what I want, and I go for it. I understand there is a situation at work, and from this point I am willing to respect your wishes" he said.

"Thank you" I replied, placing my hand on his and giving it a light squeeze.

"Luna, will you come with me to the party? I'd like you to accompany me" he said.

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