Chapter Five - Temporary Pleasures

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His lips were warm and full, his kisses feeling as soft as clouds. His kiss sent an explosion of arousal straight through me. This was completely different to when Tanner kissed me. Instantly I pulled away and put some distance between us.

"I'm sorry.. we shouldn't" I whispered, staring into the warm fire glowing across from us.

"Luna, I understand your hesitation. Working together and perusing something between us would be wrong..." he said, but continued with "but I don't care."

I looked at him for a moment, taking in his messy hair, beautiful brown eyes and plump lips. Part of me wanted to, but the other part of me thought about how Tanner would feel. I felt stupid caring about Tanner and what he would say, but I couldn't help how I felt about him.

"I think it's for the best if we keep this relationship strictly business Orlando" I said, my voice polite and controlled, the opposite of how I was feeling.

"Okay Luna" he said simply. We stood and walked to the front door. As he stepped out into the foyer, he turned to face me.

"But I can't promise what will happen once our business deal is over" he smiled. He placed a kiss on either side of my cheeks and leaned in to my ear and whispered "because I enjoyed that kiss way too much to let you get away so easily".

All of a sudden, he straightened up his posture, and he smiled once more. 

"Hope we didn't wake you Tanner" he said without breaking eye contact with me, a massive grin on his face, before stepping away and into the elevator. A moment passed before his words registered in my brain. Jerking my head to the left, Tanner was standing in the hallway, leaning up against his door with a deep scowl on his face.

Ah shit, we're in for it now...

Sighing, I turned to face Tanner.

"It's not what you think" I started before he stormed towards me.

"Care to explain why Orlando was coming out of your apartment then? Why was he here?" His voice was low and cold.

"He called me a few hours ago and asked if we could meet up and go over some ideas he had for the party, he leaves New York tomorrow and won't be back for a short while so I went to meet him. We were brainstorming and came back here to add it all into the file" I finished, not breaking eye contact.

"What was that about before he left? Did something happen between you?" He accused.

"I, well, I mean.. he kind of sort of kissed me" I stuttered. Tanners eyes narrowed and the scowl deepened.

"I stopped him straight away and told him we needed to have a strict working relationship only" I finished, "not that it's any of your business".

As soon as I said it, his glare turned deadly as he stepped towards me, closing the distance.

Pressing me up against the apartment door, his hands either side of my head, he leant down and said "You are my business. You are my... You owe it to me to be honest." He said with such malice I pressed up against the door as far as I could.

"We are not dating! you are married and I so can choose to see anyo -" before I could finish his lips were on mine.

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