Chapter Four - Nothing Good Happens After 2am.

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I walked across the room, finally reaching the place where Orlando was standing. He had a shit eating grin on his face, like the cat who got the cream.

"Hi Mr Marti.. uh sorry, Orlando" I said, blush growing on my face as the back of my neck heated.

"Luna. It is so good to see you again" he said as he lent in and placed a quick kiss on both sides of my cheeks. He must have known the effect he was having on me, as I lost the bit of breath I was holding.

"Would you like a drink?" He asked, gesturing to the bartender. I turned to face the man standing behind the bar and said "Just a water for me thanks" before returning my attention to Orlando.

"You had some business ideas you wanted to talk to me about?" I questioned, meeting his gaze.

"Are you hungry Luna?" He asked. As if to betray me, my stomach grumbled and he let out a low chuckle. I tried to think back to when I had last eaten, nearly a day ago.

"Actually? I am pretty hungry" I said, smiling back at him. We both placed an order for some food and Orlando guided me to a booth at the back of the bar.
He discussed some of the ideas he had for the event with me and I noted everything down in his file. There were certain types of music he wanted, foods and drinks as well as tributes and gestures to those loved ones he was honouring.

Once we had finished our food and all the items he wished to discuss, we began to make small talk. Where we grew up, family, business, and what we liked to do for fun.

"I never picked you to be the type who likes to ice skate Luna" he said with a glint if humour in his eyes.

"No one ever does. They probably pick me to be the type of girl who stays in and reads books... which would also be true" I grinned sheepishly.

The bartender called out for last drinks and I realised how late it was. Almost 3am. We both stood and headed for the exit. it had been snowing, and the wind was bitter and harsh. We stepped out onto the street, and Orlando turned to look at me.

"do you have a ride home?" He said.

"No, I'll just grab a taxi" I replied with a smile.

"No, I'll take you home, my driver is just around the corner. I insist" he said.

I climbed into the SUV and gave the driver my address. On the ride home, we discussed our ideas for the party in detail. After a couple of minutes we pulled up out the front. Orlando climbed out of the car and walked me inside the building.

"Would you like to come up for a minute to finalise the plans we've discussed tonight?" I said before I could stop myself. What are you thinking Luna! I instantly felt embarrassed. I hoped he wasn't thinking what it sounded like.

"I'd love to see your apartment. It might let me get a little glimpse further into who you are" he grinned.

We reached the apartment and stepped inside. I was thankful I'd cleaned up before leaving for Spain. Giving him a quick tour, we stopped in the kitchen and I offered him a drink. Taking a beer, we sat on the couch and talked a little more.

The room fell silent and Orlando looked deep in thought. I wondered what he was thinking about. In a split second, he had moved across the couch to right in front of me. He placed both his hands on the side of my face, his fingers laced into my hair. Leaning in, he stopped a mere few centimetres from my mouth.

"Stop me now Luna, if you don't want this" he murmured, locking his eyes onto mine. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't move. Painfully slowly, he closed the distance and finally his lips were on mine.

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