Chapter Twelve - Dancing In The Dark

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It took twenty minutes to make it downtown. We jumped out of the taxi and approached the line that wrapped around the block, people eager to get in. Jason took us straight to the front of the line and the bouncer let us pass.

The club was incredible. Crimson velvet walls linedcevery inch of the place, and there were several bars lined up against the walls. The DJ was spinning old school beats that had been remixed, and the dance floor was packed with bodies.

Grabbing my hand, he led me over to the group of work colleagues who must have also been on the VIP list. They were sitting in the private area surrounded by security cards and black rope.

Kairi greeted me with a kiss on the cheek, before returning to sit on Axels lap. They looked smitten. I loved it. I decided before entering the club I would remain sober. I wasn't interested in getting plastered, although given the circumstances I should have been.

After a few hours, the club really picked up and the music was incredible. Everyone was out on the dance floor moving and shaking to the beat. Deciding to join Kairi and Jason, we formed a small circle and danced together for several songs.

As I moved to the best, I looked around and noticed a small swarm of women crowding someone at the bar who was talking to the bartender and a few waitresses. Whoever it was had their back turned to me, but I could tell he wasn't interested in any of the women who were flocked around him. He was dressed in dark navy pants, a white long sleeved shirt and a cream vest.

After a moment, he turned and I noticed the navy tie he was wearing. He was handsome. When he turned to glance over the dance floor, we immediately locked eyes. I took in a sharp breath of surprise.

Orlando's gaze instantly ran up and down my body. He had never seen me out of my professional work attire. He looked like a starved man, and I was a delicious meal. My urges took over me as the remixed song 'Piece of your heart' by Alok began to play.

I moved my body to the beat, shaking my hair, my hips, running my hands down my neck, over my breasts up and down, I bit my lip and looked directly at him. His mouth was slightly hanging open, partly in shock and partly in arousal. Gliding my hands down my body I rubbed up and down my legs and body, trying to be as sensual as possible.

He stood up, pushing past the women trying to get his attention and approached me immediately taking me by the hands. Guiding me away from the dance floor and into a dark room, he closed the door and pinned me up against the wall.

Kissing me hard, his hands found my hair and pulled my hair tie out, causing my pony tail to fall loosely down my back and shoulders. His grip deepened in my hair and he kissed me fiercely. Pulling away, only enough so he could talk, he whispered against my ear.

"Esa fue la cosa más sexy que he visto en mi vida [that was the sexiest thing ive ever seen in my life]" before pulling me back against him for a fevered kiss. Waves of arousal ran through me and shot directly into my core.

"Luna do you know how badly I want to take you right here, right now? Do you know how many men were lost watching you dance?" He murmured against my mouth. Pulling away, he put some distance between us. The room was dark, the moonlight shining through enough for us to see each other in the dark.

"Luna I knew you were a beautiful woman, but I've never seen you like this. Do you know how beautiful you are?" He said as he was looking me up and down. He stepped closer and ran his hands up my thighs to my hips, over my waist, up my arms and finally resting his hands around my neck, intertwining his fingers.

"Any man would be so lucky to call you his wife" he said, his deep tone filled with desire. He kissed me again, softer this time before pulling away and flicking on the light switch next to my head. Regaining my composure, I looked around to realise we were in an office.

"We shouldn't be in here, we might get into trouble" I said. He turned to me and chuckled before sitting behind the desk. Looking up to face me, his eyes travelling over my body again before he responded.

"Luna I own this club, this is my office" he said, smiling. Of course he owned this place, that explains him talking to the bar staff. I walked around to his side of the desk, and he spun his chair to face me.

I pulled myself onto his lap, straddling him and wrapping my hands around his neck. Leaning in, I kissed him deeply before pulling away to kiss down his neck. He reached his hands around my waist, pulling me closer to him. Pulling back I met his eyes.

"You seemed very popular at the bar, so many beautiful ladies to choose from" I said, smirking slightly, but with a little nervousness. He smiled up at me, before pulling me in so he could kiss my neck and collarbone.

"Luna, I'm not interested in girls. There is only one woman I am even remotely interested in, and by some miracle, she is sitting in my lap" he finished before pulling me in for another kiss.

"I want you, so so badly Orlando" I said. His eyes lit up, but his face stayed neutral. He pushed me back a bit so I was forced to stand. He took my hand and guided me back to the door.

"Luna, I want you more, but I won't take you in my club. I want you all to myself, without the distraction of work and business in my face" he said. Just as he finished, there was a knock at the door and several staff members entered to advise that they had run out of several types of liquor.

He gave me an apologetic smile before turning to address the situation. I took the chance to slip out the door and back to the group. Most of them were extremely drunk, or busy with their hookups or partners. I decided it was my time to head off and I said my goodbyes.

Grabbing a cab, I headed back home. Entering my apartment just after 3am, I was thrilled to take off my boots, makeup and slide into bed, in nothing but my oversized T shirt and my underwear, I was ready to dream of Spanish kisses... Until my phone went off.

Sitting up, I reached over to pull it off the side table.

From: Orlando
Let me in Luna, I'm outside.

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