Chapter Fourteen - Boundaries

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"Jesus Christ Tanner!" I shouted. He smirked at me, knowing full well he had frightened me. I glared back at him which only made him smirk harder.

"What did you get up to last night?" He said.

"I went out to a club, came home, slept and woke up this morning" I said shortly. I didn't have to explain myself to him. Besides, he was the one who brought someone home and slept with her.

"You are the last person who gets to judge me for my decisions Tanner" I spat out, stalking over to the lounge. He sat up, all traces of the smirk gone.

"You slept with a client" he said, distaste clear in his tone, "and you went against company policy".

"What does company policy say about the boss sleeping with his employees, lying to them, and then parading another woman around and sleeping with her while I'm right next door!" I shouted.

He stood then, towering over me. He glared down at me before swiftly picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. I swung my arms and legs against him.

"Put me down Tanner! You can't just do this to me!" I shouted. The movement of being upside down combined with a full stomach was not a good match.

"Tanner put me down now! I'm going to throw up on you!" I groaned. Within a moment, he dropped me down onto the bed and climbed on top of me, pinning my hands at my sides.

"Did you sleep with him?" He asked, all seriousness in his tone. He stared at me, waiting for my response. I felt anger, followed by instant betrayal.

"No SIR, I did not have sex with him if that's what you're assuming" I said through clenched teeth. He looked at me unsurely, before letting my hands go.

"Luna you don't understand" he said, "we could put the deal in jeopardy. You cannot be this reckless, it could cost the company so much" he finished.

"So you just care about the effect this has on your company? That's it?" I questioned him. Standing up, I pushed against him, but he barely budged.

"Luna, I told how how I felt and what I want" he started, "you said it wasn't enough. I thought you wanted space. I didn't know that you were planning to sleep with a client to get back at me" he said.

It was the final straw for me. He assumed I'd slept with Orlando, now he was accusing me of jeopardising the company, and then suggesting I was only doing it to get back at him.

"Get out" I said. He looked at me as if I'd grown a second head. I walked down the stairs and to the front door. I swung it open and stood, waiting for him to follow. After a few moments, he came down and stepped out into the hallway.

"Luna, I care about you. you know I love you. I do, but you want something I can't give you right now. I didn't sleep with her. I'm sorry for making you think that. But I need to say this, as your boss. You cannot see Orlando under any circumstances, except for business. I can't allow it, and if you don't comply, there may be repercussions" he finished.

I couldn't breathe. My job was at stake? I was fuming.

"How could you threaten to fire me? I'm the best event planner that company has at the moment. You're telling me what to do and who I can and can't in my personal time? You don't get that right Mr Black, I will see whoever I want, whenever I want" I seethed, shaking in anger.

"If that's the way you want it to be Miss Swan, I suggest you type your resignation letter up" he finished before stalking off down the hallway and into his apartment.

I followed him out the door and down to his apartment. Gripping the handle, I swung the door open and it slammed against his wall. He was standing in his kitchen, leaning against the counter with his arms folded over.

I walked up to him and pushed hard against his chest.

"Who are you to tell me who I can date! You think you're better than I am? You think just because you've had me, that I'll just always be waiting on the sidelines for you to change your mind? I have feelings too Tanner! Did you ever consider that I love you? Did you ever think about how much you're hurting me?" My vision blurred as the tears I'd been holding back started to surface.

He pushed off the counter and came over to me, picking me up and pulling me against him. He held me there, rubbing my back and placing kisses on my shoulder and against my neck.

"Luna, you mean everything to me, you know that. I just can't promise you marriage until I can sort my business out to make sure Angelina isn't able to take everything from me. It's going to take time" he finished.

Pushing away, I wiped my tears and turned to look up at him.

"Well time is running out" I mumbled before walking out and down the hall to my apartment.

I sank down to the bottom of my door, and put my head between my knees and ran my hands through my hair.

What am I going to do? What am I going to tell Orlando? How do I choose between him and my job?

Walking back to my bedroom, I climbed under the sheets and closed my eyes, trying to calm myself down before I cried again.

BUZZ BUZZ.....                     BUZZ BUZZ.....

Rubbing my eyes groggily, I sat up and opened my eyes, trying to focus my eyes in the almost darkness. How long was I asleep for!? Reaching for my phone, I clicked it and the time showed 6:28pm. I slept the whole day?! Sitting up, I climbed out of bed and hit the light switch. Instantly the room lit up and I realised how freezing cold it was. Grabbing my fluffy brunch coat and wrapping myself up, I flicked open my messages.

FROM: Orlando
I've just picked up the Chinese food and I'm heading your way. Can't wait to see you, it's been a long day.

Racing into my closet, I pulled out a pair of light grey jeans and a thick oversized black sweater. Quickly braiding my hair, I made my bed and rushed downstairs to clean up the kitchen in record time.

Turning the TV on, I flicked it to the news channel for some background noise. Lighting the fireplace in the living room to bring some warmth to the freezing air, there was a knock at the door. Racing over I opened the door.

Orlando was standing at the door, dressed in brown khakis, a black sweater and a black coat, he smiled at me before leaning in to kiss me on the cheeks.

"Hi" he said in a way which was so soothing. His voice had such an affect on me.

"Hi yourself" I said, taking the bag of Chinese out of his hands. He shut the door and followed me to the lounge room.

"I figured we could eat here, I've put some pillows on the floor and I've got some beer for us" I said, placing the Chinese down on the coffee table, turning to face him. He was closer than I expected and he instantly leant in, placing both hands on the sides of my face and kissing me deeply before pulling  away.

"You have no idea how good it is to see you" he breathed out. I pulled him close and kissed him again.

"Ditto" I replied, smiling up at him.

We ate and talked, he told me about his day and asked my opinion on some of the issues he was dealing with at the club. I gave him some suggestions and he really seemed to listen. We watched a couple of episodes of Seinfeld. Just as I was getting comfortable he reached over and pulled me close to him, so we were both laying on the couch, my back against his front. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed the side of my cheek.

I wish I could stay like this forever, in his arms...

and then I remembered.

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