Chapter Thirteen - Coffee, kisses & Pancakes

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Jolting up, I grabbed my jumper and stepped into the hallway and to my front door. Swinging it open, I was greeted with a delicious sight.

Orlando was standing in front of me, sleeved rolled up to his elbows, the tie and vest missing. The several top buttons undone on his shirt, he looked more appetising then ever.

"Hi" I said sheepishly. His eyes glazed over as he looked me up and down. It was then I realised I wasn't wearing any shorts, and I felt very self conscious. Pulling my T shirt down, I looked up as he raised his gaze to my eyes and leaned in to kiss me. He pulled away and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"You didn't say goodbye before you left tonight" he stated simply. "I wanted to kiss you goodnight" he said, smiling genuinely.

"Do you want to stay with me tonight?" I said, biting my lip, part of my nervous habit. He lifted his hand to my lip and tugged it, popping it out from between my teeth.

"Don't do that Luna, I'll never be able to keep my word as a gentleman" he said. "I want to keep my word to you" he smiled.

"I'd love to stay with you, but not for the wrong reasons. I'd love to just sleep with you tonight if that's okay" he said, yawning as soon as he finished.

We headed inside and up to my bed. Taking his shoes off, along with his belt, he untucked his shirt and took it off, along with his work pants. Wearing only a pair of dark green boxer briefs, I couldn't help but check him out. He was defined, tanned and strong, I wanted to touch him so badly. We climbed into bed and under the covers. He turned to face, before kissing me gently.

He pulled me into his arms where he began to trace his fingers up and down my back.
It felt like heaven. It had been so long since someone wanted to just be in my company. I drifted off soon after.

Waking up in the morning, I felt warm, too warm. Opening my eyes, I was greeted with deep brown eyes staring intently down at me. Still wrapped up in each other, I realised why I felt so warm. Pulling myself away slightly, I smiled and yawned.

"Good morning" I said, before covering my mouth with my hand. Fear of morning breath was real. He pulled my hand away before kissing me deeply. Rolling over so I was on top of him, I depend the kiss, pulling my hands through his hair. His hands travelled down my waist and over my thighs.

I could feel his morning arousal. He was big. And hard. Losing my confidence, I slid off him and out of bed. Standing I readjusted my shirt which had ridden up throughout the night.

"Would you like some breakfast? Coffee maybe?" I said. He nodded and climbed out of bed, following me downstairs.

Turning the radio on, my chilled beats began to play, and I remembered how I had them on last night before Jason texted. Opening the fridge, I pulled out all the ingredients to make pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, toast and then reached over to flick the coffee machine on.

"Can I help with something? I can make the pancakes if you'd like?" Orlando offered. Stepping into the kitchen, he put himself to work, mixing up the pancake batter and pouring it into the pan. While the pancakes were cooking, he took over chopping up the fresh strawberries. I finished cooking the eggs and placed them on a plate on the bench.

As I was placing the bacon onto another plate, two strong hands wrapped themselves around me as they placed the pancakes and strawberries onto the bench. Spinning to face him, he held half a strawberry between his finger and thumb, bringing it up to my mouth.

Opening my mouth, he placed the strawberry between my lips. Biting down, some of the juice ran down my chin, and down his fingers. I swallowed the strawberry, and took his finger into my mouth, sucking the juices off. Instantly I could feel his arousal pressing into my thigh. Stepping closer he pulled his finger out of my mouth, and claimed my lips, kissing me and tasting the juice on my chin. We quickly lost ourselves in the kiss, getting more heated as the seconds went on.

Pulling away finally, I laughed and turned to face the island bench, serving him a plate of everything while he poured two cups of coffee. Sitting side by side, we talked about his new club opening and how successful it had been. He explained how he had three meetings to attend this afternoon.

"I should be finished around 7, if you'd have me over again I could bring dinner and maybe something to watch?" He offered. I smiled and we agreed on Chinese for dinner. Once we finished breakfast he headed upstairs to get dressed. I followed him up and watched him button his shirt up.

He finished and walked over to meet me. He kissed me hard and I felt a pang if sadness knowing he was leaving. As if reading my mind, he smiled.

"I'll be back before you know it Luna, I promise" he said. Walking him out to the elevator, he turned to face me again and kissed me so softly it sent butterflies through my stomach. How could I feel like this already?

"I'll see you tonight, I can't wait to do this all over again" he said before walking into the elevator. I stood and watched the doors close before heading back to my apartment. Closing the door, I leaned up against it and sighed. Last night was perfect.

"Have a good night last night cariño?" A voice asked from the couch, causing me to jump in shock. Tanner was sprawled out on the lounge, staring at me intriguingly.

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