Chapter Two - Don't Mix Business & Pleasure

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"Keep the change" I said to the driver as I stepped out of the taxi and handing over some bills through the front window.

Watching him pull away, I turned to face Mr Martinez' home. What should have been a home, resembled more of a fortress. A massive entryway built out of brown and red brick was the first thing I noticed, followed by the third, fourth and then final floor of his home. The walls were covered with trees and shrubbery. In the centre of the driveway was the largest fountain I'd ever seen in my life.

I inhaled deeply and stood a little straighter, dragging my suitcase behind me I approached the front door and pressed the bell.
After a few minutes a small woman opened the door. Standing barely over five foot, with short black hair and a dark grey dress uniform on.

"Puedo ayudarte querida [can I help you dear?]?" She spoke. In clear as day Spanish.

Fuck. I internally scolded myself. What did she say? Fuck. Where's Tanner when I actually need him? As I started to respond, a deep smooth voice from behind replied.

"Estamos aquí para ver al señor Martínez. tenemos una cita esta mañana [We are here to see Mr Martinez. We have an appointment this morning]" Tanner said in his perfect accent. She smiled and gestured for us to enter.

"After you Miss Swan" Tanner murmured.

I stepped forward and into the massive hallway. If the ceiling height wasn't enough to intimidate me, the massive crystal chandelier dangling gently from the skylight was. There were two staircases running adjacent to each other, made out of pure white marble, and there were two velvet love seat sofas, a deep navy blue colour. The maid gestured for us to sit.

"We need to talk" Tanner uttered beside me. I could feel his close proximity and it gave me instant tingles. Straightening up my posture, I turned to face him, instantly regretting it. Those captivating green eyes were pleading me to let him explain.

"Mr Black, now is not the time. We are here to win this deal and that is where we need to be focused" I replied, using the little courage I had left.

He nodded his head in agreement and we sat in silence until a deep velvet voice came from the stairs above us.

"Ah Mr Tanner Black! What a pleasure to see you again" said the gentleman.

"Mr Martinez, a pleasure to see you again" Tanner replied.

Wait.. that's Mr Martinez!?

My thought process all but halted. He was younger than I expected, with short brown messy hair and olive skin. He had a tall but extremely well built stance and the darkest brown eyes I'd ever seen. He was incredibly handsome, without a doubt.

Focus Luna! I internally scolded myself.

"And who is this hermosa criatura [beautiful creature] you have brought with you?" He said, roaming his eyes up and down my body before landing his eyes on mine.

"Hi Mr Martinez, my name is Luna Swan, one of the event planning coordinators. It's very nice to meet you in person, I've heard a lot about you" I replied, raising my hand to shake his. Instead, he pulled me in closer and tipped my hand up to his lips, kissing it softly. Instantly I could feel my cheeks heat, and I knew I was blushing.

"The pleasure is all mine, I assure you" he replied, voice low. I wondered if he was married, or if he had a wife. I quickly pulled myself back into the conversation as Tanner was explaining our proposal to him.

"...and that is why we should be the team behind your holiday party" Tanner finished.

"Mr Martinez" I started but he held his hand up and said

" Luna, my name is Orlando, we don't need to be so formal" he replied with a smile, showing his pearly white teeth.

"Okay Orlando, as Tanner explained, we feel we would make the perfect team to run your All Saints holiday. We have all of the equipment, man power and expertise to run this party smoothly. We can easily cater your three thousand guests and we can accomodate anything else in between that you need." I finished with a smile.

"I see" he started, "and would you be the head planner for this party? Would you be here to assist in anything I needed? Would I be able to contact you day and night if I requested it?" He said, his eyes quizzically looking between Tanner and I.

"Uh.. well Tanner would most likely..." I started but he cut me off by raising his hand up. Turning to face Tanner, he sat down on the velvet chair.

"I will agree to use your company for my party, earning you a large amount of money, on the condition that she" he gestured to me, "will be the one in charge and the one I deal with throughout the project" he finished.

Tanner stood still, I could see the proposition ticking over in his mind.

"If you sign today and pay us a 40% pre-deposit you have a deal" Tanner said, his voice steady and sure.

"Excellent" Orlando replied, a Cheshire grin on his face once more. Orlando stood and shook Tanners hand, before turning to me.

"I look forward to getting to work with you very closely Luna" he said before kissing my hand again. I couldn't help the tingles that ran down my spine. He was very attractive, and his accent added to the appeal of him. I nodded and smiled, unsure if I could form words to properly speak to him.

He signed the contract and made a phone call to organise his bank to wire the deposit directly to the company's account. We said our goodbyes and climbed into the waiting vehicle. There was an uncomfortable silence between us before Tanner turned to me, keeping his eyes on my face.

"We need to have that talk now" he said.


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