Chapter Eighteen - When It Rains

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I was still reeling from my weekend when Monday rolled around. I was touched. I couldn't believe Orlando wanted me to be his plus one.

The week went by so quickly. The first three days were spent finalising all the flowers, catering orders and music, so when Thursday morning came around, I was packed and waiting at the airport.

Tanner was in a fine form, and had barely spoken two words to me all week with the exception of telling me what needed to be finalised or asking me questions. The plane ride had been extremely uncomfortable, and I regretted pre-booking the tickets together.

When we arrived to check into the hotel, Tanner spoke with the gentleman behind the counter in fluent Spanish; something that would normally have me fired up, but for some reason I felt irritated. I was brought back to reality by Tanners raised voice.

"what's the issue?" I asked him. He turned to shoot a glare off in the distance before sighing.

"they didn't book two double rooms, they booked one couples room. They have no spare rooms and they are fully booked due to this party of Orlando's" he scoffed.

The two of us. In one room. Oh HELL no.

"No no no no no! Tanner, surely there's something you can do" I begged. There was no way I could share a room with Tanner. I just couldn't.

"There's nothings can do right now. They're going to call me if any of the guests don't check in or if there's any cancellations. In the meantime let's just check in and sort it out later" he muttered.

We shuffled into the crowded elevator and made our way up to the 45th level. We stepped out and down to our room, scanning the tag, the door unlocked.

The room was stunning. Open plan, and modernised, the large glass windows let so much natural light in. There was a lounge area, a large bathroom and a super king bed. Rolling my eyes, I lifted my suitcase onto the bed and began to unpack my things. It was hot, so heading into the bathroom, I quickly changed into a cotton long sleeved white shirt, and a pair of denim shorts, and slipped on a pair of white converse shoes.

Tanner had also changed by the time I came out. Wearing a light blue T shirt and a pair of grey khaki shorts with a pair of sneakers. We stopped for a moment, taking each other in.

"Tanner... I don't want to fight with you. I want us to get along, just like we used to" I said, offering a half smile.

"Luna, I don't like to share, so unless you're planning to let Orlando know that it's off between you, I suggest we keep our distance until this party is over" he snapped.

I couldn't understand why he was so angry. The whole thing was his fault. He muttered something about going out to see his family, telling me he would be back late tonight.

Several hours passed by, and I spent my time perfecting the plans for the party. I had arranged to head to site tomorrow morning and make sure it was all being set up right. Orlando was flying in late tonight. I was saddened I couldn't call him and tell him about the hotel.

I ordered room service, ate alone and showered before lazily climbing into bed. Exhaustion took over and I drifted off.

"Ah fuck" a muffled cry came from across the room. I sat up, slightly disoriented from my new surroundings and looked over to the dark area where the noise came from. Reaching over, I tapped my phone. 3:03am. Perfect.

The figure climbed up onto the bed, tugging the blankets down and plopping into the pillows beside me. I groaned

"Tanner, you're supposed to be sleeping on the couch" I whispered. Giving him a slight nudge, he groaned into the pillow and mumbled something.

Suddenly, he sat upright and turned to face me. Reaching out, his fingers traced over my cheeks and across my lips.

"I love you Luna, and I want you to choose me" he murmured.

"Tanner, you know I care about you. But you know why that's not enough for me" I said. Leaning forward, he kissed my forehead. I stilled, not knowing what he would do next. He pulled back, and that's when I noticed the tears in his eyes.

"Tanner, please don't cry" I said. His lip trembled, and tears began to cascade down his face.

"I'm losing you Luna. I can't lose you, you are everything to me. I want to be the one you choose. I'll do whatever it takes, I'll get divorced, I swear to you, I'll do it. I need you cariño, I swear I will do anything for you" he finished, his voice breaking.

I felt my eyes stinging and I so desperately wanted to cry.

"Tanner, why now? Whats changed?" I said to him, desperate to know.

"I told my mum about you. The first time she met you I told her you were a work friend" he said. "I was an idiot" he said, his voice low, ashamed.

Shock registered in my brain and I double cursed myself for not owning a Spanish translation book.

"So you lied to her? And to me? I gave you everything that night, and you couldn't even tell your mum about us?" I questioned.

"cariño it's not like that I swear. I just didn't know how to tell her, I didn't know how she would react, she knows I've been protecting Angelina" he said.

"I told her about you tonight, I told her everything about you. I told her I loved you. I told her you are my future" he said, his voice strong with clarity.

"Please — please don't leave me, please choose me" his grip on my hands hard, as if he thought I might disappear if he let go.

I pulled him closer and he scooped me up bridal style. Walking out of the bedroom, he led us into the bathroom. Without putting me down, he stepped into the shower and turned it on.

The cool water ran over us, soaking through our clothes. He kissed me again, spinning me around so my legs were wrapped around his waist and my back against the wall. He reached down and pulled my shirt off, reaching behind and unclipping my bra, my breasts spilling out, water droplets running down my skin and over my nipples.

His eyes never leaving mine, he unwrapped me from around him and crouched down, pulling my shorts and underwear down and throwing them to the other end of the shower. Gripping the bottom of his shirt, I tugged it up and over his arms and shoulders, he reached up and pulled it the rest of the way off.

Unbuttoning his pants, I tugged them down along with his boxer briefs. Standing up, he reached his hands back into my hair and kissed me. The kiss was different to any other we had shared. I could feel how desperate he was, to take every moment as slowly as possible, like he had to savour every minute.

Lowering himself down so his mouth was at my belly button, he kissed me. Kissed over my stomach, across my hips and down to my most sensitive area. Spreading my legs, he positioned himself and brought his mouth to my opening.

My toes curled and I moaned, his tongue could do amazing things. Bringing his fingers up, he rubbed me slowly, my hands gripping his hair as his speed increased. He pulled away and came back up to meet my mouth fiercely.

"Luna, I don't want to rush tonight. I need to make you feel how much I need you, and how much you need me" he finished. Picking me up, he guided himself into me, painfully slowly, he began to move.

It was sensual, slow and it felt incredible. Sex with Tanner had always been amazing, but this time was different. He never took his eyes away from mine as he made love to me against the wall. We both reached our climax together, the orgasm was so intense, my vision blurred and I could see stars.

We ended up making love so many times I had lost count. Tanner was incredible. I felt for the first time like he truly wanted me, as his equal, his love.

I thought about Orlando and my conscience sent a pang of guilt through me, bringing me back to reality.

What was I going to do? I loved Tanner. I knew in my heart I loved him. But if he wasn't willing to prove himself and commit to me properly, I couldn't be with him.

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