Chapter Sixteen - What's My Name?

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Laying perfectly still, I felt his hands first. Starting from my ankles, they glided up over my shins, up past my knees and over my thighs. Moving higher, his fingers delicately traced over my hips, up past my ribs and over my breasts, stopping there. Rubbing my nipples with his fingers, he tugged them slightly, and a bolt of arousal shot straight through me. Letting out a breathy moan, he pulled a little harder, causing my hips to buck slightly.

Bringing his hands down, they steadied on my hips as he moved his lips to my thigh, kissing and nipping his way across to the other side. I moaned, my hands finding their way to his hair. He stopped, and pulled himself up to be face to face with me.

"Lift your hands above your head, don't move them until I tell you to. Do you understand?" He said, his voice husky. I couldn't speak so I nodded my head, hoping he could see.

Wrapping my hands around the pillow behind my head, I laid as still as possible. He lowered his head back between my legs. Kissing from one hipbone to the other, his lips made their way downward, kissing each side of my inner thigh until they came into contact with my core.

He kissed it slowly at first, but then his tongue flicked out against me, causing me to buck against his hands. He pushed down on my hips to keep me where I was. His lips latched onto my clit as his tongue began to kiss, suck and lick. Moaning and writhing against his hands, I wanted more.

The pressure began to build and I squirmed against his lips, bucking my hips and moaning loudly.

"Oh god please, please" I begged. He murmured a yes against me and I wrapped my hands into his hair, pulling his face against me hard and wrapping my legs around his shoulders.

Releasing his lips from me, he came up to meet my mouth, and I could taste myself.

"That's right baby, say my name Luna" he said

He took the opportunity to insert two fingers, moving in and out, twisting and curving, in just the right spot.

"Orlando! Oh god! That's it! Right there!" I moaned.

The pressure built and finally released, causing me to call out his name.

"I want you to always call out my name. I want you to always remember my name when you come Luna" he said against my mouth. Grabbing a hold of himself, he lined up against my opening and glided himself in.

"Oh god yes" I cried as he picked up the pace, rubbing against my clit as he thrust in and out until we finally both reached our climax. He called out my name and I called out his. Once we regained control of ourselves, we realised how sweaty we both were.

"How would you feel about a candlelit bath Luna?" He asked, climbing out of bed and into the bathroom. I could hear the tub being turned on. I climbed out of bed and headed to the kitchen to grab the candles and lighter. I set up the candles around the tub and on the basin counter. He found my radio and turned it onto the classical music channel.

I could smell my bath bombs, and stepped over o the tub where the water was almost full. Orlando climbed in first and gestured for me to follow. Helping me slide in, my back pressed to his front, we sat in silence. He washed my back, my arms
And down my front. I turned to him and returned the favour.

We sat in comfortable silence, exchanging passionate kisses and the occasional comment. I felt like I was finally home with him by my side. After the water ran cool, he got out and brought over the towels. We dried and headed for the lounge room. Settling into the couch together, we watched the flames dance and fizzle, eventually both of us falling asleep.

When we woke, the sun had risen. Standing up, I walked over to the window, wrapping one of the blankets tightly around me. The city was one mass of white, but people were walking on the footpaths. The storm must have passed.

Glancing over to Orlando, he was still fast asleep. I snuck upstairs and dressed myself warmly before sneaking out the front door.

Heading out the buildings front door I walked next door to the coffee shop and ordered two coffees and a couple of blueberry muffins. I returned to the apartment just as Orlando was waking up. Taking the coffee over to him, I kissed him gently.

"Good morning" I said, handing him the coffee and muffin. He took a sip and sighed happily.

"the roads are still closed, but the shops down on the street are open, so if you need anything until the roads clear, let me know" I said with a smile. He placed his coffee down and stood. He was much taller then I was, I had to lean up to see him. He brought his lips down to meet mine for a long, lingering kiss.

"I could get used to waking up with you Luna" he said, before picking his muffin up and finishing it in a few bites. I finished mine shortly after as he went to dress himself. He came back down a short time later, letting me know his driver was heading down the highway as the roads were starting to re-open.

I walked with him downstairs and kissed him goodbye. He promised to call me after his meeting finished after lunch time. Heading back up to my apartment, I felt like I was on cloud nine.

As soon as the lift doors opened I was greeted by an extremely pissed off Tanner, and the supermodel from the other day. We both stood still, locked into a staring contest. Finally, I stepped out of the elevator and started to walk to my door, when a hand shot out and held my arm so I couldn't move.

"I'll talk to you later Nikki" he said, without taking his eyes off me. I turned to look at her. Her face was pure happiness, she looked like she'd just won the lottery.

"Last night was amazing baby, call me tonight for round two" she said as she giggled and sashayed into the elevator. The doors closed and I turned my glare back to Tanner. I couldn't understand why he was so pissed off, he didn't see Orlando come or leave...

"Did you happen to forget how paper thin these walls are cariño?" He spat out with such hatred I flinched back as if he had physically hit me. Pulling my arm out of his grip, I turned to face him.

"So what? You have no right to tell me what I can be can't do! Orlando and I are —" he held his hand up against my mouth.

"Do you have any idea what you're doing? You could cost the company everything if things go wrong! Did you even give me a second thought when you were fucking him? How did he feel when he fucked you Luna? How did he compare to me?" He asked, his voice mixed with hurt and anger. Pushing him away from me I could feel my blood boiling.

"Me?! You're mad at me?! What about you! You bring women back to your apartment and fuck them like they don't mean anything to you! Is that what I meant to you too!? Why would I ever invest my time in someone like you? Orlando treats me with respect and he cares about me!" I screamed at him. He stood, glaring at me with his fists clenched.

Stepping towards me he closed the distance between us and kissed me, hard. It took a moment for me to regain my composure. Pushing him off me, I wiped my mouth and yelled out loud.

"Fuck Tanner! What do you want from me!" I shouted before slumping my head down. He stepped toward me again, this time, his hands on either side of my face, tilting it up to meet his eyes.

"I want you Luna. I want you. I love you and I can't stand to see you with him..."

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