Chapter Eleven - Frenamies

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"Orlando, what a surprise to see you here" he feigned surprise. Orlando stepped forward to shake Tanners hand before replying.

"Good evening Tanner, Luna and I just finished our business meeting and I've left her with some things to think about for me before we meet again" he smiled. If only Tanner knew.

"Do you always accompany your employees home?" He said, a slight bitterness in his tone masked by a fake smile.

"Only the important ones" he replied before turning to me.

"Goodnight Luna, I look forward to your response to my proposition" he smiled before stepping into the elevator. Tanner stood in the hallway, never taking his eyes off me. My heart hurt. It took everything in me not to cry, or scream or hit him.

"Have a good night sir" I said, turning around to face my apartment door. I could feel him right behind me but I wasn't going to turn around.

"ve y espera dentro de mí [go and wait inside for me]" he said to the supermodel standing with him. I could hear her walk down and step into his apartment before closing the door. His hand gripped my arm before he turned me to face him.

"Are you really going to do this?" He said. Stepping closer, he placed his lips against my ear and whispered "How could you fuck him? I know what you like cariño. Are we really going to play this game?" He murmured.

Twisting my door handle, I swung my door open and stepped inside.

"I'm not doing this Tanner. You either want to be exclusively with me, no side chicks, no wives, or you don't. I won't be a part of this any more" I said before closing the door. His face was laced with irritation, I knew he wouldn't expect me to reject him like that.

After a long hot shower, washing away the first and makeup from my face and hair, I dressed in a pair of mustard night shorts and a loose olive green T shirt with my black hoodie.

Laying down, I picked up my briefcase and began
to evaluate my plans for Orlando's setup. I was so excited to see it all unfold and come to life. Just when I was deep in thought, a familiar song blasted through the apartment walls.

Of course. Of course he would play this song again. Stepping out into my balcony, I closed the doors behind me and glanced across the way. The curtains were partly open and I could see Tanner on the couch, with the supermodel on his lap. She was grinding herself up against him. Glancing up I took a peek at his face. He looked bored... until he met my eyes. Smirking, a spark lit up and within a split second he was standing, the woman wrapped around his waist. He walked forward to the window, smirking at me, and then pulling the curtain shut.

My blood boiled. Did I really mean so little to him? I decided in that moment, I would never let Tanner Black into my bed again.

I busied myself with work and cooking dinner, I flicked the TV on and changed it to some old Friends episode re-runs. I felt comfortable. I loved Friday nights at home. It was my favourite time of day, and my favourite day of the week.

After a few hours, around 10pm the music stopped. I had been sitting in my lounge room, lost in a cheesy TV movie, reading one of my favourite books. My phone set off a quick ding from the coffee table. I dropped my book and picked it up to see a message from Jason.

From: Queen Jason
Bitch, I'm 10 minutes away. We're going out. Be ready, and wear something cute.

Inwardly groaning, going out was the last thing I felt like doing, but I knew Jason wouldn't take no for an answer. Climbing off the couch, I headed into my closet to try to find something nice to wear. Pulling out a long sleeved navy flannelette dress, and a pair of thigh high black boots, I pulled my hair up into a messy high pony and applied a small amount of makeup on my lips and eyes. Grabbing my black clutch and black jacket, I stepped out into the hall, where Jason was waiting.

"let's go bitch! We're heading downtown to the new Club Vanity! It's literally just opened but yours truly managed to get us into the VIP list... of course it helps that I approved the plans to open the place and that I'm sleeping with the venue manager" he laughed. I rolled my eyes and smiled at him. Of course he was.

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