Chapter Nine - He Likes Me, He Likes Me Not

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Friday, usually my favourite day of the week, but today, I felt nervous. I made sure to dress nicely for my meeting after work. i stopped, taking one last look in my bedroom mirror.

Wearing a high waisted navy skirt, a long sleeved button up white blouse, my matching navy jacket and a pair of white heels. I packed my makeup bag so I could touch my face up before the dinner, and I had curled my hair and pinned it at the side. I felt good.

Grabbing my briefcase, I finished packing my files up when there was a knock at the front door. Hesitating, I thought I knew who it would be. I swung the door open to be greeted by Jason.

"Girl! It has been WAY too long!" He squealed before pulling me into a vice-gripped hug. I returned the hug, in the moment I realised how much I missed him.

"When did you get back?" I said, surprise in my voice. When we last spoke, Jason had been offered a management training seminar spot in Melbourne, Australia. It was a 5 week trip. I couldn't believe it had been so long.

"Got back yesterday but snoozed my way through last night! Jet lag is a bitch I swear! I wanted to stop by and see you! I need the latest 411, so we are carpooling today!" He said excitedly.

The car ride to work was filled with all the latest gossip. I told him everything that had happened between Tanner and I, and I also filled him in on the Orlando situation.

"I knew he was trouble with a capital T! That boss man is the devil! But the devil ain't never looked so sexy!" He laughed. I smiled in return and explained to him about the business meeting tonight.

"I'm really nervous. I want to keep it strictly professional, at least until his event is finished" I said, "I don't want to cause any issues" I finished, rubbing my neck worriedly. We stepped out of the elevator and I turned to face him.

"Well girl, I got faith in you no matter what you decide. If it was me, I'd have my pie and eat it too" he finished with a wink before heading off to his desk.

Stepping into my office, I was greeted with a bunch of my favourite flowers. Sunflowers and lavender, with greenery and a beautiful vase. Walking around, I picked the card up out of the top and opened it.

"If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk in a garden forever"

There was no name on the card. I stilled, the card still in my hand as I tried to think back to who would know my favourite flowers. I couldn't remember telling either of them.

"Nice flowers!" Kairi said, walking up and smelling them deeply.

"You must have a secret admirer!" She laughed. I turned to face her and thought about the fact that she's the receptionist and she would have had to accept the flowers.

"Kairi do you know who sent these?" I said quizzically. She bit her lip and held her hands behind her back. She totally knew.

"Well, I don't know if I should say anything... I think it's supposed to be a secret" she whispered to me. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"Kairi it's important... so do you know?" I pushed.

"Well let's just say it was a handsome Spanish man" she winked, turned and left. That didn't narrow it down.

Settling in for the morning, I busied myself working on the final setup plans for Orlando's big party. Everything had come together so smoothly, I was so proud and excited to travel over and watch it all come to life.

A knock at my door interrupted me. Looking up, Axel was leaning against the door frame, beaming ear to ear.

"Luna, how have you been? It feels like forever since we've had the chance to catch up!" He smiled.

"You've been very busy with Kairi I hear" I smirked as he came to sit in my guest chair. I could see the blush rising up his neck and to his ears.

"yeah she's absolutely amazing, I can't believe how lucky I am! I know it's only been a short amount of time but honestly I think she's the one" he said sheepishly. My heart was so full, I knew they were meant to be together.

"I'm taking her home to meet my family this weekend. I can't wait. They're going to love her" he said. I was so happy for them.

"I'm glad I could help! When you get married, please feel free to name your first born daughter after me" I laughed, as did he. His mobile rang and he bid me a quick goodbye before leaving.

My office phone began to ring and I picked it up swiftly.

"Luna Swan speaking" I said while reading through a document on my screen.

"Miss Swan, I hope you know how hearing your lovely voice has just made my day" the deep voice from the other end of the line said.

"Mr Martinez, how are you?" I said. Silence met me from the other end of the line before I corrected myself and said "sorry, Orlando".

He laughed, a deep and sultry sound that sent an involuntary chills down my spine and through my stomach.

"I've just arrived in town, I know it's only just past 5, but I was wondering if you might be able to sneak away a little earlier today? We have so much to discuss" he finished.

"Of course I can, where did you want me to meet you?" I said.

"Well, I may or may not already be downstairs waiting" he laughed. I stood up and leant over my window to see Orlando standing beside a dark sedan. Looking up, he shot a wave in my direction.

Laughing, I said "I'll be right down".

"Your laugh is as bright as a sunflower on a summers day" he said. I knew in that moment the flowers were from him. Hanging up I grabbed my bag, quickly touched up my makeup and headed downstairs. He was waiting for me, and greeted me with a kiss on each cheek.

"hola mi girasol [hello my sunflower]" he said before taking my bag and opening the car door. Sliding in, he took the seat next to me in the back. We made polite small talk all the way to the restaurant. It felt nice to be in his company again, I didn't realise how much I enjoyed his presence.

We stepped into the restaurant, and the manager approached us. He guided us away from the formal dining area and down the back to a set of elevators. Climbing in, he pressed the rooftop.

The doors sprung open and my mouth dropped in surprise.

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