Chapter Seven - Work, work, work.

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The next two weeks, I spent all of my time committed to tweaking the plans Orlando and I had discussed, making sure to include all of his requests.

Orlando called several times to touch base with me and find out how everything was going. He was professional and polite, no mention of our earlier moment, which I appreciated. I still wasn't sure what to make of it.

"I'm glad everything is on schedule Luna, I knew I could rely on you" Orlando said through the phone. I had just finished filling him in on the setup schedule which was due to happen the following week.

"Not a problem, glad everything is coming together, and that you approve of it so far" I smiled, extremely proud of my hard work.

"I'm going to be in town tomorrow for a week. I was hoping I could see you. Would you be free to join me for dinner tomorrow night?" He asked. I considered it for a moment, unsure of the sudden butterflies in my stomach.

The thought of Tanner flashed through my thoughts. We had barely spoken since that night. We exchanged a few emails here and there but it was strictly work. I felt frustrated. Partly at him for lying to me and partly at myself for giving in to him.

"Of course, where would you like to go?" I replied.

"There's a private rooftop restaurant close by to your office, I could pick you up after you finish tomorrow?" He questioned. I made a mental note to dress nicely tomorrow, instead of the normal casual Friday office attire everyone dressed in.

"Sounds great, I'll be finished at 6" I said, hoping he couldn't detect my nervousness.

"Looking forward to it Luna" he said before hanging up.

5pm rolled around quickly after that, as I was determined to get this planning done to show Orlando tomorrow night. Lost in thought, the loud ping brought my attention to a new email.

To: Luna Swan
From: Tanner Black
Subject: Martinez Event

Come to my office with your plans for the Martinez file.

Mr Black

Rude much? I thought to myself, while exhaling loudly. Gathering up all of my materials and plans, I shot back a reply.

To: Tanner Black
From: Luna Swan
Subject: Manners, Mr. Black?

Mr Black,

I will come up now with the files and information I have.

P.S. - Did you know that a simple please and thank you go a long way in this business?

Maybe you should give it a try.

Kind regards,

Miss Swan.

Grabbing my elevator pass and stepping in, I clicked the 50th floor button and waited. With each floor that passed I began to regret my reply. I knew he wouldn't be happy. Exiting the lift, I stepped into the waiting room.

Anne gave me small apologetic smile before quietly telling me that Mr Black was in a fantastic mood today, before rolling her eyes. My heart was beating out of my chest while Anne called him to announce my arrival.

"You can go in now... And good luck" she said to me before turning back to her computer. Inhaling deeply, I walked up to his office door and knocked.

"Come in Miss Swan" a deep unamused voice replied from behind it. Hesitating, I tried to calculate how long it would take between him coming to the door, and if I had enough time to make it back to the lift.

"Miss Swan, I'm waiting" he said again. Fuck, here goes nothing I suppose. I swung the door open carefully and stepped into his office. He was seated behind his desk, reading through some paperwork in a file. Once the door was closed he placed the paperwork down and looked up.

Hooo boy he's mad. I could tell by the glare he shot me that something was wrong. I quickly recapped all the cases I was working on in my head and tried to figure out which one had gone wrong.

"Luna" he said, his voice clearly laced with irritation. I swallowed hard and responded with a curt nod.

"I have the files you asked for" I said, stepping forward and placing them on his desk. He scooped up the file and quickly flicked though the pages. After a moment, he closed the file and threw it onto his desk with a thud.

"So" he started, "have any interesting calls today?" He said, accusation in his tone.

"I'm not sure I know what you mean sir" I retorted. Wrong thing to say. Abruptly he shot out of his chair and around to the other side of his desk to stand directly in front of me. All the courage I had left me in that moment. He was pissed.

"Really, well in that case I'm sure you don't have any plans for tomorrow night? You don't mind working back with me?" He questioned.

He knew about the conversation between Orlando and I.

I stood a little taller when I responded.

"I have plans tomorrow night. I'm actually meeting up with one of our biggest clients" I said smugly. If it weren't for the the small, almost unnoticeable tick he had in his eyebrow, I wouldn't have known he was angry. His whole demeanour changed in an instant and he smiled.

"Oh great! I'll come with you then" he said.

"You can't, it's just a private meeting between -" Tanner cut me off by holding his hand up.

"I insist on being there. I want to make sure this 'big client' of ours is well taken care of. I will escort you after work" he said before returning to sit behind his desk.

"That's all Miss Swan, you may go" he finished before picking up the papers once more.

I was furious. How could he just dismiss me so easily. I couldn't hold my tongue anymore.

"You know what sir? How about you just go to the meeting instead, seeing as you don't trust my judgement, skills or workmanship?" Tanner dropped the paperwork on the desk and was staring at me so intensely I thought it would silence me, but it didn't.

"In fact, how about you just take over the file completely?! You can organise the set up, food, music, lights, and everything else to boot and I'll stay back. How does that sound to your sir?" My voice was laced with venom.

Tanner stood and slowly circled his desk, coming to a stop in front of me. He was so close I could feel his breath on my cheeks as he thought over all I had just said to him.

"Miss Swan, this is a place of business, and I suggest you adjust your attitude and behaviour to match this environment... unless you are seeking to be reprimanded" he finished, tone serious, but something else glinting in his eyes.

"I've never been one to follow the rules sir" I shot back.

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