Chapter Twenty Two - Finding Forever

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                                 One year later

'Deep breaths Luna, in and out, in and out' I chanted. Standing behind two beautiful glass doors, in my wedding dress, ready to walk to the man I love. It had been an intense, but amazing year.

I had managed to plan a wedding, move Tanner and I into a beautiful home, and excel in my career. I'd been promoted to one of the project chief executive officers all on my own! No help from Tanner! I had planned and worked, building my portfolio of clients up and the company had moved to international status.

Ironically, we even won the job for Orlando & Camila's wedding, which I planned and perfected. It seemed things had changed for them, and they were in love... or at least playing the part well.

"You look absolutely beautiful girl and if I was straight I'd marry you myself" Jason beamed. I had asked him to walk me down the isle as he was the closest thing I had to family.

He came with me to find my wedding dress. The day we found it, I cried like a baby. It was perfect. A lace sweetheart neckline covered with flowers, adorned by the most gorgeous flowing material around the bottom, it was so light it felt like wearing a cloud.

My hair was pinned back into a messy low bun, with babies breath tucked into the top. I felt like the luckiest woman in the world.

"Ready girl?" Jason smiled at me, taking my hand and looping it through his arm. The glass doors opened and the orchestra began to play. Stepping out into the ground, we walked down the isle of the church, and towards the man I would spend forever with.

He was wearing a grey suit, with a white button up shirt and a dark green tie I had chosen for him, to match his eyes. His smile, so beautiful, directed at me with each step I took. He took my hand, and helped me up to stand in front of the priest.

We spoke our vows and promises to each other, swearing in front of our friends and families that we would stay together until our last breaths. Cheers and whistles erupted around us as we kissed for the first time as husband and wife.

The church cleared out as our guests headed back to the reception across the way, and Tanner took hold of my hand, guiding me to the small gazebo behind the church, covered in fairy lights and soft music.

"I wanted to have my first dance with you, just us together" he whispered, taking my waist and pulling me close for a kiss.

We danced for several songs, not speaking, just enjoying our love and the comfort of each other.

"Tanner, I need to tell you something" I said, pulling away from him slightly to meet his eyes.

"Is everything okay?" He asked, sorry lacing his voice.

"I just wanted to know if we could possibly postpone the honeymoon... I know we are supposed to be going to Hawaii, and that it's only 6 months away, but I'd rather see a whale, and not look like one" I laughed.

After a moment of processing what I had said, the most beautiful smile lit up across Tanners face.

"You're pregnant?" He whispered, his eyes misting over.

"We love you so much" I whispered back, taking one hand and placing it on my belly. He kissed me with such emotion it made me cry.

And with that, we walked, hand in hand, into our forever.

                               THE END


I'm SOBBING!! I cannot believe it's all over!!

I wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone who read my books and believed in my story enough to follow it. I have so many other books I'm working on at the moment and I cannot wait to release them soon!!

If you have any thoughts or ideas on my story, or maybe a spin off story for Orlando?! Let me know! Please leave a like or a follow if you enjoy my content! I have plenty more to come! Xoxoxo

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