Chapter Fifteen - Snowed In

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Orlando leant forward to kiss my mouth, slowly, but full of passion, making me completely lose my thoughts. Just as the kiss deepened, Tanners words played in my head and I pulled away.

"Are you okay? Is this moving too quickly for you?" He said worriedly. I explained what had happened with Tanner after he left. He took it all in, and after I finished he sat up, a thoughtful look on his face.

"Luna, I really like you and I'd love to see where this could go, but I won't be the cause of you losing your job" he said.

"I knew he had feelings for you, and I assumed something had happened between you two" he said after a moment of thought.

"Once this party is over and your work is done, we will pick up where we left off" he assured me, lifting my hand, he kissed it softly.

"Thank you Orlando, you don't understand how much that means to me. I really do want to see you after this is done, I'd like to see where we go" I said, honestly meaning it. He made me feel so special, like he wanted to be with me and wasn't embarrassed, or trying to hide me.

He stood up, and walked to the door.

"Let me walk you downstairs" I said, he nodded and we stepped into the elevator. The ride down was silent, but not uncomfortable.

He leaned over suddenly to press the emergency stop button, and the lift jolted in place. He grabbed me by the waist and pressed me against the wall, kissing me hard.

By the time we separated, we were both panting, heart racing and breathless. He reached over and pressed the emergency button again and the lift roared back to life.

"Sorry, I needed one for the road... I don't know how I'm going to be able to resist kissing you for two more weeks" he said, thumb caressing my lips. I felt a pang of sadness knowing I couldn't kiss him either. He noticed my unhappiness and quickly leaned in to kiss me again. Just as he pulled away, the lift doors opened and we stepped out into the main lobby.

As we approached the main building doors, the power flickered and died. I groaned out loud. Not again, I'm so sick of this place losing power.

Mrs Fletcher approached us from the back room, cursing the city for having too many people and not enough power.

"There's a snowstorm right above us, the building is on lockdown. No one comes in, no one goes out" she huffed at us. I turned to face Orlando who looked equally confused.

"Maybe we should just wait it out down here" Orlando said quietly to me, but Mrs Fletcher was close enough to hear him.

"Not a chance, go back upstairs, I don't need troublesome people in my lobby crowding the place up" she said, "besides, this snowstorm is predicted to last the entire weekend and into Monday. A bloody inconvenience if you're asking me" she stated.

Taking her words in, I felt sick. An entire weekend, no power, no heat. Orlando stepped towards me, putting his hand around my shoulder.

"Let's go back upstairs Luna, at least it's warm up there" he said, taking my hand and guiding me towards the stairs. When we finally got back upstairs and into the apartment, I was shaking with cold. I sat by the fireplace, trying to warm my hands, while Orlando grabbed the spare blankets from the cupboard and brought them over.

Sitting down behind me, he brought the blanket around us both and pulled me close to his chest. He felt so warm compared to me. Turning my head to face him, I rested my cheek on his chest.

"Well this puts a slight hiccup in the whole 'business only' plan" he chuckled, and followed with "Luna I'll sleep on the couch tonight".

I didn't want him to sleep on the couch. I wanted him in bed next to me. I turned my body around to completely face him and I leaned in to kiss him. He wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me close. Pulling back, I smiled at him.

"What Tanner doesn't know, won't hurt him" I said, picking up the blankets and leading us to the bedroom. I climbed into bed, shivering slightly as the cold sheets touched me. Tanner undressed quickly and climbed into bed. I could barely see him in the dark, the small glow of the fire barely enough to light up the fireplace itself. Sitting up, I pulled my sweater off, followed by my bra, jeans and underwear.

I could feel Orlando had stilled beside me, I knew he was unsure of what to do. I laid down beside him and he instantly found my lips. He kissed me slowly, sensually, and it was amazing.

He deepened the kiss, his tongue entering my mouth as his lips grew more dominating. I wanted more, I wanted every inch of him. I broke away from him for a moment before climbing on top of him and trailing kisses down his neck before bringing my mouth back to his.

The kisses grew more urgent, more fevered then before. His hands glided up my waist to find my breasts. Rubbing his warm thumbs across my nipples, they turned hard at his touch. He bent towards me and kissed each of my nipples, blowing on them slowly, the heat sending waves of need through me.

I could feel his member through his underwear, pressing hard against my core. I wanted him so badly. Shifting us, he sat up and wrapped his hands around my waist, rubbing up to my shoulder blades and down to my rear, squeezing and rubbing, he moves his hands up to my waist and began to guide my hips forward and backwards. The sensation was amazing.

Breaking away from the kiss, he moved his lips across my jaw and over to my ear, down my neck and across my chest. He pulled away slightly and sighed.

"Luna, I can't see you, but I need you to know I can feel you, and you are so beautiful" he said leaving ghosts of kisses across my chest and up my neck.

"So, so beautiful Luna" he whispered. Shifting himself slightly, he used one hand to hook his fingers through his underwear and down off his body. He stopped and I knew he was hesitating.

Without a second thought, I guided him into me, slowly sliding down, until he filled me completely.

"God Luna, you're so tight... I want you" he groaned. I began to slowly move myself up and down. Adjusting to his size, I began to move fully, moving my hips forwards and backwards, hitting the right spot.

"Oh god, right there, right there" I moaned, as his lips came back to mine. His hands gripped my hips hard as he began to move me faster and harder, and I could feel myself losing control. Just as I was about to hit my peak, his thumb traced over my clit, sending me into an explosion of an orgasm. It was nothing like I'd ever felt in my life. I cried out as the waves continued to come.

In an instant, he flipped us over so he was behind me and I was face down into the mattress. Leaning in, he kissed down my back, watching me as I was coming down from heaven.

"Luna, I don't intend to stop until I'm satisfied I'm the only man on your mind, and the only man in your bed from now on" he said before slamming into me from behind. Instantly, my core tightened around him. This felt amazing, gripping my braid in one hand, and the other hand reaching around to my core, Orlando pounded into me hard, while rubbing my clit. The combination between his rubbing and his thrusts was enough to drive me wild, screaming out into the pillow, I could hardly control my self.

Swinging my hips back to meet his thrusts, he went deeper and faster, until I could hardly breathe.

"Please, please, I'm going to come, god, don't stop" I begged as he picked the pace up. The orgasm that followed was the most intense I'd ever had. Orlando continued to thrust for several more moments before slowing his pace.

"Luna I'm.. going to.. come" he said before slamming into me once more and reaching his climax. I'd never had such an intense sexual experience before, and I never wanted it to end. Orlando rolled me over, still remaining on top of me, leaning down and kissing me hard.

Pulling away, he brought his lips to my ear and quietly spoke.

"That was the most amazing thing I've ever experienced in my life" before returning his lips to mine. Laying down next to me, he pulled me close as we both fought to regain our breaths. At some point we both drifted off.

Several hours later, I woke up, feeling the space beside me empty. Gathering my composure, I tried not to panic. I was scared. Scared he had gotten what he wanted and had figured out a way to leave... until I felt something between my legs...

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