1 Coming Back Home

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I do not own Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day
(Y/N)'s POV

I looked out the window just wishing that what was happening was just a very, very bad dream. I'm not ready to go back not after Meiko and my biological mom died. I can't go back I just can't.
"We arrived!" My mom said cheerfully.
"Yay!" My little sister Misaki said.
"Come on we let's get our boxes out of the trunk and unpack. Your Uncle and I already got most of our belongings unpacked." My dad said
I let out a sigh "Okay, come on Misaki I'll help you with your boxes." I told my little sister.
We got out of the car and Misaki and I got her boxes out.
"Do you two need help?" My dad asked.
"No dad we're fine, infact you should get your boxes out." I said as I picked up Misaki's boxes and went up the steps.
My dad got the house key and unlocked the door. We stepped into our new house.
"Wow! It's so pretty." Misaki said stars in her eyes.
"Come on Misaki let's find your room." I said dragging her up the stairs. We found her room. The walls were painted yellow and the floor had wood flooring. Her bed was decorated with white fuzzy pillows yellow, orange, light blue, and pink pillows. The covers were white. Misak's closet had her organizers in it with some hangers. The bedside table had nothing on or in it, the same with her desk.
I let out a sigh "I'll get your other box, start unpacking." I told her.
"Okay!" Misaki said.
I went down the stairs and went to the the garage. 'Dad should have parked the car here.' I thought. And I was right.
The trunk was still open so I grabbed Misaki's last box and went back up to her room. I set the box down and said "I'll start to unpack my things, if you need any help you can ask me." I went back down stairs and to the garage and got my boxes. I was able to hold both of them since I am pretty strong so I can carry it to all the way to the top.
My room was the only room on the third besides my bathroom of course. The walls of my room were just white and the flooring was oak wood. I wanted my to look like my old room. The covers of my bed were a butternut squash color and the pillows were white. My closet was really nothing to look at just had a few hangers and my closet organizers were there, my desk was painted black and had a lamp that was also black. My bedside table pretty empty. My bookshelf that was painted white had some of my books in it.
I opened up the box with my clothes. I hung my jackets, t-shirts, and dresses on the hangers, my under garments, pants, leggings, shorts, pajamas, and skirts that I never wear in the closet.
I looked at the box to see what else was in there. I saw all of my journals, planners, a few books, my photo album, and a certain photo that caught my eye.
I took the photo and looked at it. The 'Super Peace Busters' were on it. My eyes went directly to Meiko Honma.
"Was there anyway that I could've saved you?" I asked.
I let out a sigh and started to unpack everything else that went to my room. I finished faster then I thought I would. I went to my bathroom to unpack everything else. I finished, and when I did I looked at myself in the mirror.
My hair was a (h/c) I looked at my (e/c). My eyes look the same, but something is different, I don't know what it is but something is different. I let out a sigh and went out of the bathroom and into my room. I looked at the photo of the 'Super Peace Busters'. Oh, how I miss those days.
"(Y/N)! Misaki! Come down for dinner!" I heard my dad shout.
I went out of my room and went down to the dining room.
"I made curry!" My mom said.
"Meiko's favorite." I whispered to myself.
"What was that?" Misaki asked me.
"It's nothing." I told her.
"Okay!" She answered.
"So, how do you two feel?" My dad asked.
"Good." Misaki answered while stuffing her face with curry.
"Alright." I answered.
We continued to eat, I blocked out everything.
"Hey, (Y/N)?" I heard my mom say.
I snapped my head to her direction "Yes mom?" I asked.
"Oh, just so you know you're going to school summer school on Friday. And that you'll be walking home so here's the spare house key." My mom said sliding the key to me.
"Okay." I said taking the key.
"Oh and also your uniform is in the livingroom."
I just nodded my head.
We all finished eating.
"I'll wash the dishes." I said to my mom.
My mom smiled "Okay."
I washed the dishes. I went to the livingroom and got my uniform. I went upstairs to ask my parents where the shrine for my biological parents. I came to their room and knocked on the door.
My dad opened up "(Y/n), is there anything you need?" He asked.
"Do you know where the shrine is?" I asked.
"Downstairs across the hallway from the living room." My dad answered.
I nodded my head "Thank you." And went downstairs.
I came to the shrine. There was a photo of my biological mom and dad. I rang the bell and stayed there then started to speak "Hey mom, dad. It's Minori. Things have been great so far, but something seems to be missing I don't know what it is and it's starting to bother me. I hope you're both doing great." I got up and went to my room. I put on my pajamas and went to sleep.

Hya! I ha e no idea what I'm doing here. Anyways I will be updating every Monday if anybody wants to know that.


 Completed. Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now