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I do not own Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day and I never will

Atsumu looked like he was smiling "Looks like you two aren't the only ones." He said.

"Only ones?" I asked.

Atsumu's smile only grew bigger "Who can see Menma."

"Yeah, I geuss we aren't." Jinta said awkwardly.

I had feeling that things were going to get ugly.

"Jinta! Come on!" Poppo's voice shouted.

Jinta sighed and ran off.

I looked at Atsumu who was looking down, behind him Chiriko was sitting.

I had nothing better to do so I just went off into the forest. I heard Poppo, Naruko, and Meiko shouting 'Hey!'.

I was walking with Naruko and Jinta.

Jinta stopped.

"Yadami? Is there something wrong?" She asked.

It was silent for awhile then Jinta grumbled "I don't need more then one Menma." And stomped off.

"Way to be a spoiled brat." I thought.

"Hey, where are you going?" She asked Jinta when she got no response she said "Wait a minute."

Jinta stopped in his tracks and looked at Naruko.

"W-well, remember when you tried to got to school the other day?" She asked "You know those girls didn't mean all of that stuff. I was thinking, that maybe you should try again."

"It's not like it bothers me." Jinta said

"Really?" Naruko asked.

"Uh huh, I don't care," Jinta replied "You and those little "Friends" of yours can do and say whatever the hell you want, I don't give a damn either way." Jinta finished and walked off.

"The hell was that for? You think that's cute?" Naruko asked.

Honestly in my opinion I was a little amused, but my face didn't show it.

"My dad is the one likes everything cute." Jinta said.

"Geez Yadami, hold on!" Naruko said right before she slipped.

My eyes widened, I ran to her and caught right before she could fall.

"T-thank you." Naruko said to me quietly.

"Look around Naruko." I said.

Naruko did as told and saw the river.

"The same thing could've happened to you." I said quietly.

"Hey Jinta?" Naruko asked.

"Hm?" Jinta replied.

"How come you can see Menma?" She asked.

"Hold on a minute, I could see Menma too." I said.

Naruko looked at me "This goes for you too (Y/n)."

I just blinked.

"Maybe it was because you two liked her so much, or maybe even loved her at some point." Naruko said.

That caught me off gaurd.

"I don't need the answers, but if you two really can see her, please be nice to her." Naruko said.

There was silence.

"Hey, maybe we should head back." I suggested.

"Yeah, we should." Jinta agreed.


We got back and Atsumu was grilling some short ribs.

"So, how was the search?" He asked.

"No sign." Poppo admited.

"You know Menma did tell me something." Atsumu said.

"What did she say?" Poppo asked excited.

"Her voice was faint, I have to admit, but she told me that she wanted you guys to stop bugging her and let her rest in peace." He said smiling.

"Oh, really?" Poppo asked.

"Stop lying Yukiatsu!" Menma said "Even though you can't see me, I'm glad, glad that you guys came here to remember me!"

"Menma." Jinta said quietly.

"Bullshit." I said looking at the ground.

"What was that?" Atsumu asked.

"I said bullshit!" I said louder this time. "Where is your proof?" I asked.

Atsumu looked taken back "You're just the same (Y/n), not wanting to believe the truth." He said.

"I mean, if that's what Menma really wants." Poppo said.

"So you're going to believe him?" I asked.

"I mean, (Y/n) don't get me wrong, but if that's what Menma really wants-"

I cut Poppo off "Okay then, I won't make you believe me then." I said walking off.

"Hey! (Y/n)! Where are you going?" Naruko asked.

"Look at the time Naruko, I should be heading home now." I said and went back home.


I got home, and when I did my little sister Misaki tackled me to the floor "Welcome home!" She sing song voice said.

"Hello Misaki." I said ruffling her dirty blonde hair.

"Where were you?"she asked.

"I met up with some old friends of mine." I said.

"Okay!" She said giving me a closed eyed smile.

I went upstairs took a shower, changed, brushed me teeth and went to bed.

The last thing I thought before falling asleep was "What the hell was Yukiatsu up to?"

Hello my lovely readers! I hope you guys like the chapter, I'll see you guys on Monday!

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