14 The Broken Heart

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AN: I do not own Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Fay, and I certainly do not own you.

(Y/n)'s POV

We were sitting at the temple.

"Are you sure that you're fine Tsurumi? Mrs. Honma really did have a good grip on your wrist." Anaru said, concerned.

"I'm fine." Tsurumi said.

"Menma's mom can be pretty scary at times." Poppo said.

"Sometimes I wonder if she has always resented us." Tsurumi said, but it sounded like she was just saying it to herself.

"She's still grieving. But very slow with it. It's been five years, and yet she's still between anger and bargaining. But who can blame her, we're still in the same place." I said.

"Let's drop it." Yukiatsu said.

"Hey! What are you talking about?" Jintan asked him, like he got shot.

"Let's forget about this Menma nonsense." Yukiatsu said.

"What'll happen to Menma then?"

"Haven't you realized? Everyone's here because you dragged them here, because of your poor little self." Yukiatsu said.

I couldn't believe what was coming from his mouth. This is not the Yukiatsu that I know.

"Yukiatsu!" Tsuruko scolded.

Yukiatsu continued "I've been going along with it, too. So I'm not one to talk." He looked at Jintan with hate "But I'd never force my pain on other like you have."

"My pain?" Jintan said to himself like he didn't understand what Yukiatsu was trying to say.

"Aren't I right? You're so caught up with the past that you're hurting everyone. Even Menma's mother."

"Well then, what about me?" I asked, I was starting to regret saying anything. "If I can see Menma that must mean you hate me too, just as much as you hate Jintan."

Yukiatsu looked startled.

"All of us have been feeling pain. We've been hurting. You're not one to talk." I said.

"(N/n), what are you doing?" Jintan asked me.

"We all loved her, each of us loved her in a different way. But there was something about her we all loved. And when she died we all were hurting."

I looked at Yukiatsu and then turned around and walked

Anaru told me that our request of making the rocket was accepted. We just needed an adult to help. So the "Super Peace Busters" got together and built the rocket little by little.

Anaru excused herself for a minute, I didn't think anything of it until Yukiatsu also excused himself.

Something told me to follow Yukiatsu, so I did. It might've been creepy, but hey I was curious. I made sure that my steps were quiet and hid my shadow, I kept my distance. I heard footsteps behind me, sounded like Tsuruko's I turned my head around slightly and saw Tsuruko behind me. I nodded my head and I continued walking. When I got caught up I saw Yukiatsu ask Anaru out.

I was shocked. I knew that Yukiatsu did not like Anaru, so he must've had a plan. I just didn't know what that plan was.

But I heard fast paced foot steps running farther and farther away from me. Tsuruko's hearbrocken, I knew it. I walked back to others thinking how ignorant can some people actually be?

But then I stopped and thought about it for a minute. I'm just as bad as Yukiatsu and Anaru. My mother and father died, I just let them slip away. I didn't actually realize how much I loved my father until he died, does that mean that I was a horrible daughter?

OMG, it's literally been so long since I updated. I am so thankful that all of you were able to be patient with me. I know that this chapter was crappy, but hey don't judge. I will finish this story in two more chapters. I might update this week or next week until then bye!

 Completed. Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now