2 Unwanted Reunion

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I do not own Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day

I hoped off my bed when I heard my blaring alarm. First day of school and I already just want to stay at home. I put on my uniform and go to my bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I decided to have my hair down for the day. I rushed downstairs and put on my shoes. I got my bag and bento and opened up the door.
"Wait." I heard my mother's commanding voice say behind me.
I turned my head "Is there something you need?" I asked.
"Did you eat breakfast?" My mom asked putting her hands on her hips.
I went to the pantry opened up the door and took out a granola bar.
My mom had a satisfied smile on her face "Good." She said.
I turned to the door and went out.

~timeskip cause I'm a very lazy author~

Tsuruko's POV
"So, what do you think the others are up to?" I asked Yukiatsu.
"Why should I care." Yukiatsu replied.
"Well it's like something is on your mind." I said.
"It's none of your business," Yukiatsu said looking away "Besides why should I be even thinking about any of them, Yadami is probably at his room stuck in the past, Naruko probably at school, Tetsudou is somewhere, and (Y/N) is probably living her life and not giving any of us a second thought."
I had a slight smile on my face "He's stuck too." I noticed that the door opened and saw (Y/N), my smiled grew a little more "Well speak of the devil."
Yukiatsu immediately looked at the door.

(Y/N)'s POV

I stepped into the classroom and everybody stopped what they were doing and looked at me, I felt uncomfortable but didn't show it. I looked around the classroom to find an empty seat. I found only one so I went over there. I saw two very familiar faces next to me when I sat at the desk "So it looks like Tsuruko and Yukiatsu go to the same school." I thought.
They seemed to notice I was here to so I let it got. This isn't going to be so great.

~Hya another timeskip cause I'm lazy af.~

At lunch I got my bento and started eating. I heard footsteps behind me and one? No two people sit next to me. I already knew who these two people were, but didn't want to talk to them.
"So what brings you hear?" a voice asked me.
"Well Atsumu, my father's office moved here and so we had to move with it." I said not wanting to look up.
I could almost feel how shocked he was.
"So how long are you going to stay?" Atsumu asked.
"Six years." I answered.
"Is you relationship with your dad doing okay?" Atsumu asked.
I wanted to cry, but I bit my tongue "No, don't do that. You can't cry." I thought.
"Yukiatsu! That is not appropriate!" Chiriko said quietly so nobody els can hear.
"No, no it's alright Chiriko. I was just going to ask which one he was talking about, but I geuss I already know which one you're talking about." I said finally looking up.
Chiriko and Atsumu looked shocked.
"What happened?" Atsumu asked.
"My biological dad committed suicide 3 years ago." I said.
" Oh," Atsumu said looking away "I'm sorry."
"Don't be." I said, looking away.
I didn't even notice how long we were  talking because the bell rang. I put the bento away and went to class.

~Ahh! The third timeskip~

I waited for the subway, and geuss who I saw! Chiriko and Yukiatsu. Infact we all had the same route home. I looked at my phone and played a few games and texted my mom. I could feel Atsumu's stare at me, but ignored it. The subway train arrived and we got in.
There was a unsettling silence. I got my headphones and put on some music, I got my homework out and started to solve some problems.
"So." I heard Chriko say trying to spark up a conversation.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"Your new family, how are they like?" She asked.
"They're kind." I said.
"Do you have any siblings?" Atsumu asked.
"Yes a little sister." I said getting annoyed by the questions, but kept my cool.
"How old is she, what's her name?" Chiriko asked.
"Look, if you're trying to spark up a conversation it's not working." I said, directly.
"How come you don't want to talk?" Atsumu asked.
"I just don't talk to often, plus I hate talking." I said calmly.
They seemed to stop, so I continued with my homework.
The subway train came to our stop, by the time I had most of my homework done. So the three of us just walked home without a word. In the distance I saw two familiar figures. I frowned to myself. What could they be?

Hello to the very, very few people who are going to read this reader insert! If anybody likes this please leave a comment down below and I'll see you all next Monday!


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