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"Okay, let's attach the umbrellas to the rocket." I old man said.

"Alright!" Poppo cheered.

We did some of the last finishing touches, when Tsuruko arrived.

"Sorry that I'm late!" She said.

"It's alright." I said nonchalantly.

We continued to work, when we were done, I heard footsteps. I turned around and Satoshi, Menma's little brother walked up to us.

"Hello." He said politely.

When Menma heard his voice her eyes got real big and she ran to Satoshi and gave him a big hug, causing him to stumble a little.

"Are you okay?" Jintan asked him.

"No, I just thought I smelled something familiar." He said.

He still remembered how Menma smelled.

"So I see you're now finally smiling
(Y/n)." Poppo said almost shocked.

"Wh-what I am?" I asked.

"Is that a bad thing?" Anaru asked.

"I mean it isn't bad, but-" I said "you know what, never mind."

Everybody else looked confused but seemed to shake it off.

"Did you invite him Jintan?" Menma asked him, happy as ever.

"Uh, yeah." He said.

After a moment of Menma hugging Satoshi we picked up the rocket and started to walk towards the rocket launcher.

I was at the end of the rocket behind Tsuruko.

"Do we have to do this?" I thought, I immediately shook my head "Don't be selfish (Y/n), if this is what Menma wants you have to do everything in you power to make it happen."

"Uh, does anybody want to say any last words?" Poppo asked.

I shrugged.

"Well, I think that I'll say something." Poppo said. "I had loads of fun! Thanks for everything!" He shouted.

"We should fire the rocket now. If we don't do it anytime soon, we'll disturb the neighborhood." The old man said.

"Oh okay." I said.

We all walked away from the rocket so were a good distance away, we stopped and looked at it.

I looked at Jintan, I knew that he to stop the old man from firing to rocket. That selfish bastard. I understood that he didn't want to let go of Menma, but thinking that he was all she needed. Menma's family can't see her. She needed her wish to be granted.

"Wait sto-" Jintan said but it was too late, the rocket was lit and launched.

"Hurray, the flowers are blooming in the sky!" A high pitched voice cheered.

"Huh, Menma." Jintan said.

When I turned around I didn't see her. "H-how?" I asked.

"What? She's still there?" Yukiatsu asked.

I knew by Jintan's face that he was happy that Menma didn't dissapear.

"Thank you for inviting me. What you did for my sister was really amazing." Satoshi said.

"Uh, yeah." Jintan said.

A car signaled.

"Oh I should be going." Satoshi said.

"Mama," I heard a soft voice say. I knew that the voice was Menma, but I couldn't see her.

I was so confused. How was Jintan able to see her? Why couldn't I see? Why was I able to see her in the first place?

Satoshi got into the car with his parent and we all bid our goodbyes. I started to walk towards my house. Little did I know that I wasn't quite finished with that day.

Ha! Didn't expect another chapter this soon did you? Sorry that this one is kinda short. I'll be finishing this fanfic up pretty soon. I'll see you next time!-Wolfytunes

 Completed. Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now