6 Not The Only Ones?

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I do not own Anohana the flower we saw that day.

(Y/n)'a POV

Atsumu, Chiriko, and I were walking home Atsumu asked if we could help him chose a gift. Chiriko decided to help and dragged me along with her.

We were at the store and Atsumu was looking for something. I still didn't know who he was going to give it to.

"You know I have other places to be." Chiriko said out of nowhere.

"I know." Atsumu said.

Atsumu got a text from his phone, he checked and grumbled "Hisakawa."

"Are you talking about Poppo?" Chiriko asked "I didn't know you two ever spoke."

Chiriko and I looked at the message.

"'I found Menma.'?" Chiriko said aloud.

A store clerk came by "Is that a gift?" She asked.

"Correct." Atsumu replied.

"What a generous boyfriend." The store clerk said to Chiriko.

"Yukiatsu having a girlfriend? Yeah, that'll happen when pigs fly." I thought in my head.

Chiriko looked away and stuck her nose in the air.

Atsumu just groaned in annoyance.

I just shook my head.

"O-okay, I'll let you do your thing." She awkwardly said, while desperately walking away from the mess she made.

I had to try very hard to not laugh.

~da magical timeskip~

I chose to walk the long way home and Poppo just so happen to be in the distance and yep he noticed me.

"Hey!(N/n)! Over here!" He said loudly waving his hand.

I walked up to him and said "Yes, Poppo?"

"I wanted to give you this paper!" He said cheerfully.

"What's it ab-" I then noticed that Poppo had already left. I decided to read it. The letter was an invitation to a barbecue.

"Might aswell go." I said to myself.
I got home and changed into some black yoga pants white t-shirt, and a black hoodie. I went downstairs and told my mother where I was going.

"You're going to need to bring something," My mother told me "stay here I'll bring you something."

So I waited for my mom and she brought a bag with vegetables in it.

"I want you to eat healthy." She said.

I nodded my head and got the bag of vegetables and went out the door.

~another timeskip bc I lazy~

I arrived at the secret base. Jinta, Popp, Chiriko, Naruko, and Meiko were already there.

"Hey." I said.

"Oh, hello (Y/n)." Chiriki greeted.

"(N/n)!" Meiko said excited.

"So what did you bring?" Poppo asked.

 Completed. Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now