12 The Diary Entry

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I DO NOT own Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day and I never will.

Your POV

Poppo recently called me and talked about the wish Menma wanted to have granted. My voice didn't show it, but I was kind if happy, finally we know what Menma wants granting.

"We're going to have to work our buts off, but we can do it." Poppo said.

"Okay, I'll try to help!" I said.

I ended the call and put my notebook away and plopped on my bed.


I got home from school and I got a call from Tsuruko on my phone, I answered.

"Hey, (Y/n), are you there?" I heard her shaky voice ask.

"Yeah." I answered thinking about why she might be calling, all the sudden I felt tense "Are you hurt? Did you get in an accident? Is anybody around you injured?" I asked frantically.

I heard her lightly chuckle "No, I'm alright." She said.

I let out a sigh of relief, "Thank goodness." I said.

"Aww, you do care, how adorable." Chiriko said teasingly.

I let out an exasperated sigh "Alright if it isn't an emergency what do you want?" I asked.

"I got a call from Yadami," she explained.

After a long moment of silence I said "Go on."

"Well, when I answered all I could hear was this odd noise, it was kind of fuzzy. If you know what I mean." She told me.

"That's strange." I muttered.

"Do you think that it could have been-" she was about to finish until I interrupted.

"Possibly," I said "Did anybody else get the same call?" I asked.

"Yukiatsu did" Chiriko said "let's meet up at the base, okay?"

"Alright." I said.

I ended the call and ran up stairs to change. I put on black skinny jeans with holes, a white v-neck tank top, and blue denim jacket, I ran back down stairs and put on black leather boots.

I ran all the way to the secret base, no stops to catch my breath. I got there and saw everybody, but Jintan in there.

"Hey, you look tired, do you want to sit down?" Anaru asked me.

I just shook my head.

Not long after Jintan arrived.

I blocked out most of it because I was still trying to catch my breath, sadly I wasn't able to have that luxury because Yukiatsu started to choke Jintan. Without thinking I zapped (Zapped? What the heck was I thinking?) over there and put a firm grip on Yukiatsu's arms trying to old him restraint. I saw Menma walk into the secret base this caught my attention and my grip on Yukiatsu loosened, while Yukiatsu was wrapped up on trying to punch Jintan all I said was: "Menma."

Somehow this caught Yukiatsu's attention, because now he's trying to punch me. But I wasn't affected by Yukiatsu trying to punch me.

"What did you say you bitch?" Yukiatsu asked.

"Menma." I said not paying attention to him.

"It's her." I quietly said, not because I was scared, but because I saw her writing something in her diary.

Anaru gasped "Her diary! There's a new entry!"

"L-let me see it." Yukiatsu said shakily.

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