4 Not So Bad

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Dude, that's so cool. Menma wants her wish to come true so badly that she literally came back from the grave! How cool is that!" Tetsudou said.
"I mean, it could be a hallucination." Jinta said scratching the back of his neck.
"Hallucination? Dude, that's so hardcore!" Tetsudou said "Anyway, where do you see Menma?" Tetsudou asked, starting to poke his head in every corner of the secret base.
"I don't." Jinta said, but Tetsudou didn't seem to be listening.
"Menma! Where are hiding! Come on, you can come out now!" Tetsudou said, he stopped and sighed "No sign."
"I, was wondering," I said, Jinta and Tetsudou looked at me "Jinta, does Menma's ghost look older then she did five years ago?" I asked Jinta.
"Uh, yeah she did." He a answered.
"And was she with you when we ran into eachother earlier?" I asked.
"Yeah?" He answered.
"Then my suspicions were correct, I can see Menma as well." I said.
"What?" Tetsudou said shocked.
"So there fore, Jinta and I must be able to really see Menma's ghost," I said and turned my head to Jinta's direction "meaning that you're not hallucinating Jinta." I said.
"Woah!" Tetsudou said.
I looked at my watch.
"Uh, I gotta go! It's almost curfew!" I said and immediately ran out.


I came to a Wcdonalds and came in. I got a smoothie and left I saw Chiriko and Naruko, it didn't look good so I walked faster.
"This is what I get for bringing you your crap?" Naruko asked, obviously pissed.
"That was your decision." Chiriki said calmly.
"Hey when did you get so high and mighty all of the sudden?" Anaru yelled.
"Hey! Stop fighting! Come on Anaru! Don't be mean Tsuruko!" Meiko said trying to pull the two apart.
"Wait, Meiko?" I thought.
"You haven't changed a bit." I said finally stepping in.
Chiriko and Naruko looked at me.
"(Y/N)." Naruko said.
I just blinked "Naruko, don't let a small thing get to you," I said to Naruko, I then turned to Chiriko "and Chiriko, even if you don't like someone still be polite." I said and walked off.
"(Y-Y/N)" I turned my head and Menma was there.
I just shook my head and continued to walk home.


I cam home on time. I took my shoes off and went to the room with my parents' shrine.
"Hey, mom, dad, it's been awhile, I actually ran I into the super peace busters today. Though, they don't really seem like they're friends anymore, but I hope that I can change that. Something even more weird is that I saw Meiko, pretty strange. Moving here, might've not been such a bad thing after all."
I got up and went to my bathroom. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and brushed my hair. I went to my room and changed into my pajamas. I crawled onto my bed got under the covers and curled up into a ball.

"(Y/n), (Y/n), wake up sweety." I heard a soft and gentle voice say.
I fluttered my eyes open. I saw a beautiful woman and she kinda looked like me, I knew that this was my mother.
"Hello, sweety, you've grown up so much. To bad I wasn't able to see it." She said smiling.
"M-mom?" I said.
"Hello sweety." She said hugging me. "I must tell you something." She said.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Your father and I both wrote a letter addressed to you before we passed on," my mother explained "you must find and read them."
"What letter, where do I find them?" I asked.
"I can't tell what letter I'm talking about or what's in it, but I can tell you that you will find them when you least expect it." She answered.
I hated it whenever my mom wasn't making any sense or made her sentences complicated on purpose.
"Time is running out." My mom said cupping my cheek.
I already knew what she was going to say next "Don't go." I said.
"I wish I could stay here longer." She said sadly smiling.
"Don't go." I said holding on to her hand that was cupping my cheek.
"Remember that I love you." She said.

I woke up from my dream.
"(Y/N)! Do you mind going grocery shopping with me?" My mother asked.
"No, mother." I yelled back.
I went to my closet and put on a black tank top, a camo jacket with the sleeves coming down to my elbows, and leggings that were a butternut color. I went to my bathroom and brushed my teeth, hair, and washed my face. I put my (h/l), (h/c) into a messy bun (if your hair isn't long enough you can do something else. I looked at my neck and saw the necklace that my mother gave to me before she died, I always wore it. (In the photo above.) I went downstairs and ate a cereal bar and put on black combat boots and got bag and hung it over my shoulder.
"Let's go." My mother said.
"Okay." I said nodding my head.
We walked to the grocery store for like 15 minutes. We got in and bought our groceries. Finally we got out and were on our way home. I saw Atsumu and Tetsudou talking to eachother. I took in a deep breath and put my shoulders back and walked forward, but of course, Atsumu immediately recognized me. I held my breath. Tetsudou turned around and saw me "Hey! (N/N), what's up?" He said.
Me and my mother turned around, my mother was confused and I just wanted to leave.
"Hello, Tetsudou." I said blankly.
"Call, me Poppo!" He said.
"Okay, Poppo, is there anything that you need I asked.
"Nope! Nothing, just wanted to say hi.!" He said brightly.
"Um, (Y/n) do you know these two gentlemen?" My mother asked.
"Yes mother, as you know I lived here before, they're old friends of mine." I said no expression on my face.

Alright." My mother said nodding her head.
"Hey! (Y/n)! Do you want to go to Jintan's house with me?" Poppo asked.
I was about to open my mouth, but my mother answered for me.
"That's a great idea! Now go along (Y/n). I'll see you later.!" My mom said pushing me toward Poppo and then ran off.
"Great!" Poppo said.
I turned to Atsumu "Do you want to come along too?" I asked.
"No, I'm busy." He said.
I just nodded my head I knew he was lying, but I respected his decision.

~The timeskip~

Poppo and I arrived at Jinta's house. Mr. Yadomi opened the door.
"You're both familiar." He said.
"Hey Jinta's dad!" Poppo said enthusiastically.
"Hello Mr. Yadami." I said.
"(N/n), no need to be formal." He said.
I stayed silent.
"Poppo, you're a giant! (Y/n) you've matured!" Mr. Yadami said "Adorable!"
I wasn't quite sure on how to respond, so I stayed silent.
We came inside and had grilled meat. I didn't really pat attention to the conversation at all, I just blocked out everything.
"Anyway, we're going to need another copy of Nokemon." My ears perked up at this sentence.
"The only one that still might have it is-"
I cut Jinta off "Naruko."

 Completed. Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now