15 Tomorrow...

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I do not own Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day, and I CERTAINLY do not own you. I have only created the Yamamotos.

(Y/N)'s POV

I tried so hard not to cry. I don't know what to do anymore. Menma meant so much to me. We just got her back I didn't want to let go! Not ever!

"But what if, it's better to let go?"

I gasped surprised. I saw my mother, my biological mother.

"Mom," I said "I don't know what to do. I thought that maybe that I would be able to be friends with my old friends again, but they hate eachother." I said running into her arms, crying my eyes out.

"It's going to be okay. Whatever made all of you friends in the first place is still there."

"You promise that it'll be alright?" I asked.

"I promise."

And just like that I woke up. I was in class, I looked at the clock. Class was almost over. So I tried to pay attention to the lesson as much as I could. Finally the bell rang. I walked out of the building to see Yukiatsu holding Tsuruko's arm, he let go and she ran away.

I walked toward him "What happened?" I asked.

He just shrugged his shoulders.


Menma, Jintan, Poppo, and I were at the secret base waiting for everybody else to come.

"I don't think anybody else is going to come here." I said.

"That's okay." Menma said, as if this party meant absolutely nothing.

I looked at the sign "Goodbye Menma" it was kind of depressing to look at. I was really irritated that Yukiatsu, Anaru, and Tsuruko weren't here already, it was like it meant nothing to them.

But as if they were on que they all arrived on the same time.

"So, what took you so long?" I asked passive aggressively.

Anaru looked slightly shocked and startled. But Yukiatsu glared at me, but I didn't give a crap. I honestly felt smug.

"Oh you know, we had to run around here and there to get stuff for the go away party." He said.

"Anyway we have our guest of honor Menma!"  Poppo said cheerfully.

We all clapped for her.

Menma wrote in her journal "Thank you for dedicating this day for me, Menma will go to heaven tomorrow. I want to be friends with everyone until the end. Please."

"That concludes Menma's speech!" Poppo declared clapping.

We all just sat down eating snacks and drinking juice, soda, and whatnot.

"So if all we're going to do is eat and drink, shouldn't we do something to entertain ourselves?" Yukiatsu asked.

"Sure what should we do?" Poppo replied.

"How about revisiting events on the day?" He suggested, with the biggest smug on his face.

"No, no, y-you wouldn't dare." I said my eyes wide open, my voice low and almost uneven.


Jintan shot up from his seat saying "This is no joke! What's the point of doing s-"

Yukiatsu looked at Anaru "Now." He said.

I thought that she was going to cry. She was shaking


"Stop it!" Jintan said in desperation.

"I was wondering, do you like Menma?" She asked.

"You guys..."

Menma looked at the ground. I walked over to her without noticing me because their attention was on Jintan. I just kind of gave her an awkward side hug.

"Say it, won't you? Say it! She's here for you to say!" Yukiatsu said angry.

I could see how sad, Yukiatsu truly was. He was angry and heartbroken at the fact that he can't see the girl that she crushed on, but she instead came back for someone he used to call friend.

"Yukiatsu..." Jintan said, he face angry.

"Say it." Poppo said.

I frantically walked up to Poppo and said "Snap out of it! You can't be possibly doing that to Jintan!" I said, but he ignored me. That was not the Poppo that I knew.

"Is there really any need to-?" Tsuruko asked.

Not wanting to deal with the crap I ran out of the base and no one stopped me I ran all the way home not ever looking back. But I did keep on seeing Menma's face with tears rolling down her cheeks.

I arrived home out of breath. I got my keys out and unlocked the door.

I saw my mom drinking tea, "Oh, (Y/n) I didn't think that you would be coming home this soon would you like some leftovers and tea."

"No thanks mom." I said and speed walked to my room where I locked the door and leaped into my bed and screamed into my pillow. Nobody asked since my scream was muffled. I was so angry, I didn't know what it was, teenage hormones? Was it the fact that I was frustrated at my friends' actions that they didn't realize that they were hurting people? I didn't get it.

I got off my bed and changed into my pajamas and into my bathroom brushing my teeth. I walked back into my room and got in my bed and went to sleep.

Okay two more chapter until I officially finish this fanfic, I hope you like it and I will see you all soon.-Wolfytunes

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