10 Run or Get Punched!

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I do not own Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day

(Y/n)'s POV

I was packing up my things to leave since we were leaving. I heard footsteps come up to me.

"Hey, (Y/n). You're an old friend of Atsumu right?" A girl asked.

"I geuss you can say that." I said nonchalantly.

"Minako's shy so, do you mind giving this to him." She said.

"It makes me blush just thinking about!" Minako said.

'What is up with this idiot? Stop pretending to be innocent! Guys don't like people who pretend to be shy! Also why the fuck do people think Atsumu is interested in relationships at the moment.' I thought.

"Stop it." I said a little too demandingly.

The girls looked shocked.

"First of all, tell him yourself! He'd appreciate it more if you told him in person a d it'll let him know that you have confidence in yourself and that you're not afraid that he'll reject you. Side note do not ask him out. He will reject you." I walked off.

"That's all you have to say?" The girl asked.

I smirked on the inside and turned to Minako "Guys don't like people who pretend to be shy, Minako." I said.

"Fine then! Be a bitch!" Minako shouted.

"Not so shy now? Are you Minako?" I asked toying with her.

As if on cue Atsumu walked in "Having any problems?" He asked.

"Nope." I said.


We arrived at the subway and took a seat and waited for our train.

I saw Anaru walking with her friends carrying bags.

Something in the universe told me to follow her and it seemed that Yukiatsu also had that feeling.

Timeskip again

Anaru's POV

We were in the room and they were choosing another song. I just wanted to be at home, but instead I was here.

"Having fun?" One of the guys asked.

"Uh, yeah." I said a little too quickly.

"Doesn't look like it." He said slightly smirking.

I didn't know what to say. I was truly confused.

"Hey if you guys don't mind Naruko and I are gonna leave." The guy said putting his hand on my shoulder.

"What why?" Everybodya asked.

"I don't wanna miss my show!" He said.

"But isn't scheduled for Friday?" The other guy asked.

"Nope!" He said.

My friends smirked and said "Have fun, but don't have too much!" They shouted giggling.


We arrived at our destination and it wasn't the train station, it was a hotel.

"Uh, so what are we doing here?" I asked confused.

He smirked "To have some fun of course." He said.

"Oh, I thought you were going to walk me to the train station you know." I said having my arms around in sudden realization what he meant by 'fun'.

"Come on!' He said placing his hand on my shoulder.

"H-hey, what are you doing?" I stammered.

"Come on'," he said "I know that you're a total slut." He said tugging on my arm.

"Wait, I don't want to do this." I said tears forming in in my eyes

"Stop struggling you bitch!" He said.

"Hey Atsumu did you catch that?" I heard a familiar voice say.

I turned my head and saw Yukiatsu and (Y/n).

(Y/n)'s POV

I couldn't help but have a smirk on my face. I walked up to my victim and said "You know it would be a shame if this went viral and I showed it to the cops in attempted rape of a child you pedo." I spat.

He looked genuinely scared.

"You have two options!" I said my smirk turning into an evil grin.

I noticed that the guy was shaking and Anaru had her eyes wide open.

"Number 1 you run away and I never have to see your sorry face again, number 2 I give this to the cops, so which one is it going to be?" I asked sadistically.

"Uh, I-" he said but I punched him.


"You're no human! You're a freak! A freak I tell you!" He shouted

"Well at least I not a pedophile!" I back shouted.

I turned around as if nothing happened and said "Let's go home."

Hello everybody that would be concluding our chapter.

So I'm now going to update once a week on Monday  because my schedule all of the sudden got bigger.


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