9 The Breakdown

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I do not own Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day, and I certainly do not own you.

So me being the clumsy person I am just tripped and rolled all the way down. It didn't hurt, but I did get a few scratches here and there otherwise I was fine.

Jinta carefully came down.

I looked at Atsumu. Searching for something in his green orbs, I saw humiliation?

"Yukiatsu," Jinta said "Why are you dressed up like that?"

I reached my hand out toward Yukiatsu "Is everything alright?" I asked.

Unexpectedly Atsumu got a firm grip on my wrist and pulled me down, shocked at the sudden movement I didn't do anything.

"You're wondering if I'm alright?" Atsumu asked me. Pinning me down, while slightly choking me.

"Hey get off-" I heard Poppo's voice say only to be interrupted by Chiriko.

"Please, leave him be." She said.

"But Yukiatsu is-" Poppo was interrupted once again.

"If he doesn't break now, he never will." Chiriko said.

"Look at me you little bitch!" Yukiatsu said.

I did nothing.

Menma cam down to the scene.

"Tell me (Y/n), do I look like Menma? You can see her right?" Yukiatsu asked on the brink of tears.

"Yukiatsu..." I whispered.

"What happened all those years ago was my fault, Menma died because of me!" He said.

"Yukiatsu! It isn't your fault! It's none of ours!" I said.

"Menma's dead and it's all my fault!" Yukiatsu shouted.

I felt Atsumu's tears drip down my face.

"If Menma was ever going to appear she'd do it to me. To haunt me or curse me. She would come to me!" Atsumu shouted.

He slowly let go of my collar and got up.

"But, she never showed." He said.

I glaces at Menma who was also on the brink of tears.

"Not even in my dreams." Atsumu said.

"B-but I am, I'm here." Menma said quietly.

Menma went up to Jintan.

She whispered something into his ear that I couldn't really catch.

"Menma wants me to say that she's here because she is and to thank you for the pretty hair clip." Jintan said to Atsumu.

Atsumu looked shocked.

"Look I don't know what that means but-" Atsumu started to walk off.

My feet moving on their own went up to Atsumu and put my hand on his shoulder.

Yukiatsu looked back at me.

"What?" He asked.

"I'm not a professional, but know that if you need anybody to talk to I'm free anyday." I said.

His eyes widened for some reason.

Yukiatsu's POV

"I'm not a professional, but know that if you need anybody to talk to I'm free anyday." When she said that I immediately remembered something that was almost forgotten.

Flashback (still Yukiatsu's POV)

We were playing hide and seek, Poppo was "it". (Y/n) and I were hiding behind a rock. (Y/n)'a mother passed away recently and Jintan thought it would be a good idea if we came up with ways to get her mind off of things.

She acts like nothing's wrong, but I could see it in her eyes she's hurting.

I saw her looking at the ground.

"Hey." I said placing my hand in her shoulder.

She looked at me a little shocked.

"I know that I'm not a professional, but if you ever need to talk to someone I'm right here." I said.

"T-thank you Yukiatsu." She said smiling at me as tears slipped down her cheeks.

Back to the present in (Y/n)'s POV

I saw Atsumu's shocked face, I couldn't figure out why.

I gently shook his shoulder "Atsumu, are you in there?" I asked.

Atsumu shook his head and walked away.

On his way out I heard him mumble something to Chiriko and then walk away.

"I should be going home now." I said and walked off to my house.

Da magical timeskip

I got home and went straight to my room. I brushed my teeth and went to bed.

Right before I went to sleep I heard a little melody that was all too familiar.

Sorry for this short chapter! I promise the next one would be longer. Don't forget to comment down below and share your thoughts of the story so far!


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