5 Gotta Catch Em' All!

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I do not own Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day

Anaru's POV

I was in my room, and for some reason my eyes landed on a picture of the 'Super Peace Busters'.
"We were so cute." I said to myself "Mostly her"  I thought to myself


I remember how I hated my curly hair and glasses, while Menma was perfect. Of course Jintan will like her.
"Anaru! Wanna be sticker buddies?" Menma asked me.
"Look at him! This one's my favorite! And I got one for you too!" She said smiling at me.
She stuck the sticker of the little puppy on and gave it to me "Here!"
I loved, I really do, but I also kinda hated her too.

~End of Flashback~

"Naruko!" I heard my mother shout from downstairs "Can you help me with something?"
"What mom?" I asked, getting downstairs.
"Could you water the plants?" she asked me.
I let out an annoyed sigh and answered "Sure, mom." I got outside turned on the hose and stood there just watering some plants. "Don't mind me, I'm just the servant girl." I mumbled, then I was able to see three figures coming by.

(Y/N)'s POV

Poppo, Jinta, Menma, and I were making out way to Naruko's house, we came by her backyard and saw her watering some plants.
She seemed to notice us and Poppo decided to say "Hey Anaru! Looking good!"
Naruko looked embarrassed, and so she splashed Poppo and Jinta with the hose. Meiko looked confused and I just had my mouth shut and blinked, on the inside I was laughing my but off.


We were in Naruko's house, Jinta and Poppo were drying themselves with some towels.
"You're kidding me right? You want me to play Nokemon with you guys? How old are you? Ten?" Naruko said.
Poppo chuckled "We thought we could take a walk through memory lane. Catch em' all! Right?" Poppo asked.
Jinta and I stayed silent.
"Where are the glasses?" Poppo asked.
"I took them off!" Naruko answered "It's not like I need to wear them."
I noticed that Jinta was staring at something, confused and tried to see what he was looking at. Meiko was outside of the room peeking through, by the looks of it, she didn't seem like she wanted to come in.
I gave her a gesture to come in, hesitantly she came in and sat down next to me.
"Ice tea coming up." Naruko's mother said bringing in a tray with four glasses of iced tea.
"Thank you." I said.
"No problem," Naruko's mother replied cheerfully "hey, does anybody want jello that Naruko made? It's good."
"Oh, yeah! It'll jiggle!" Poppo said
Naruko flushed in embarrassment "Don't say that about my jello!"
"Playing that rare Nokemon has to be Menma's wish!" Poppo exclaimed.
My eyes widened. He wasn't supposed to say that! Now Naruko is going to think that we're all crazy and not help us!
I turned to look at Naruko, she looked shocked to hear Menma.
"Menma?" she mumbled.
"You okay?" Poppo asked Naruko.
"Uh, yeah, I'm fine." Naruko replied "What about Menma?" she asked.
"Uh, well it's jsst that I dreamt that she wanted us to play Nokemon." Jinta covered up looking away.
"That was her favorite." Naruko said.
We then went up to Naruko's room to look for the Nokemon.
"Let me see, it should be in here." Naruko said while looking into one of her bins.
My gaze went to Meiko, I tried to have her come in before but she wouldn't come in. I looked back and Naruko and Poppo to make sure that they were distracted. Then I quickly and quietly walked over to her. "Hey, is there something wrong?" I asked.
"Yeah we're worried for you." Jinta added in which spooked me a little.
Meiko had a sad smile on her face "Well whenever I'm around Anaru or Momma, I could see how sad they are."
Jinta sighed and grabbed Meiko's wrist and pulled her in Naruko's room "You're a part of this." he said.
Meiko's sad smile, was then replaced with a real, happy smile, and I felt like smiling a little, but held it in.
"I found it!" Naruko exclaimed.
"You put those labels on everything! That's being retentive for a little kid, don't you think?" Poppo said.
"Shut up!" Naruko said annoyed.
We quickly started to play the game, or, more like Naruko and Jinta started to play since we only had two copies of the game. While they were busy playing Nokemon, Poppo was reading a manga and I was looking out the window.
I was so bored that I felt myself drift off to sleep.
"(Y/n), I'm sorry." I heard a deep strong voice say.
I fluttered my eyes open and saw a very familiar face. A man.
He chuckled "Hello, (Y/n)." he said peacefully.
"What? How?" I asked.
"You're asking 'How?'  actually well, I don't know the answer to that." He said chuckling to himself.
"Why are you here then?" I asked.
"I need you to remember." My dad said.
"Remember what?" I asked, frantically.
My dad chuckled and ruffled my hair "To feel." He said giving me a closed eyed smiled.
"To feel?" I asked.
"You heard me." My dad said in a sassy tone playfully putting his hands on his hips.
I remember, before mom died sometimes dad would play this sassy role. Honestly, it was kinda funny but yet so cringey.
"To feel," I said "what do you mean?"
My dad seemed to deadpan, he then let out a sigh and said "It was only my fault you act like this," He looked away "I'm a sad excuse of a father." He mumbled under his breath.
I had a look of sympathy on my face. "Dad." I whispered.
My dad shook his hear "Anyway, this is about you not me. You need to understand your emotions and learn to communicate with them." He said.
Hesitantly I said "I'll try."
My dad smiled "I know you would." He put his hand on my head "Thank you for being my daughter."
"I know you'll do great things in the furture."
"Goodb-" my dad was about to say until I put my finger on his lips.
"Long ago, someone told me that they were told to not say goodbye," I said a smiling "but instead say 'Until we meet again.'"
My dad smiled "Well then, until we meet again."
I woke up to Jinta excitedly saying "I got Poiseiein!"
I got up streched and looked at Jinta "Great job." I said trying to show enthusiasm.
"Really?" Naruko asked.
Naruko and Jinta gave eachother a high-five. They pulled away at the sudden contact and looked embarrassed.
"Thanks for you know helping." Jinta said.
"Might aswell," Naruko said "Great way to kill some time."
There was silence.
"So, for return for all of my help what do I get?" Naruko asked.
"L-like money?" Jinta asked panicking.
"You idiot!" Naruko said shaking her head "You should come back to school."
Poppo then woke up "Hey you guys. How are you doing?" Poppo asked.
"Actually, we're at the end, all we need to do is connect our games together." Jinta replied.
Finally we got the rare Nokemon. We all cheered, or more like everybody else cheered while I tried to be enthusiastic.
"Congratulations you guys." I heard a soft voice say.
I turned around and say Meiko wake up.
"Huh?" Jinta asked.
"What's up?" Naruko asked.
Before Jinta could answer Poppo interrupted "Wait ago guys, Menma is gonna flip over that rare." Poppo exclaimed while bringing us all into a group hug.

~Extended Ending

I finally arrived home.
My mother smiled at me as she opened the door "Did you have fun today?" My mother asked.
"Yeah, I actually did." I replied.
My mother's smile only grew bigger "That's good to hear."
I went upstairs to my room changed, brushed my teeth, and went to sleep.


Hello loves! I would really like to get your feed back in the comments so I know that you guys like it!


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